
Posts Tagged: 'sam+nishimura'

Oct. 11th, 2013




Okay Valarnet!

I'm here, I'm settled in, and it's Friday night. The clubbing dresses are all unpacked so someone tell me where I'm going tonight! Anyone want to join? It's going to be fun!

I can't wait to meet you and Garm!





Oct. 7th, 2013



Hey. I'm Rukia. Ignore everything my brother just posted. He's kind of grumpy and can't control himself from being that way.

America is kind of weird, but okay.

Oct. 5th, 2013



Thank you, everyone, who made the grand opening of Okugata such an unbelievable success. My customers and staff were all perfectly wonderful. I certainly hope to see some of our patrons back again, and my staff all reminded me why I hired them!




I had this whole thing written up but I can’t, I erased it.... I dreamed Dr. Whitman and I were captured by men with guns. They’re the ones who made the shrines, I think. One was Russian, and he seemed like the kind of man who revels in gore and glory. They had other members of the ship's crew. He shot a deckhand in the back. It was all so terribly real. I can still feel the recoil, still see the Russian's eyes go dim. I feel sick.

And then this morning I found a bow and the climbing axe I dreamed about using. When I held onto them, I felt different. More confident.

I don't know if I should keep writing about these dreams, but I feel like it helps me contain them.

Oct. 1st, 2013




Lets play a game.

Biggest regret from your youth.

ETA: Silly regrets! Though serious ones are welcome too!

Sep. 28th, 2013




Things feel back to normal, mostly. Sam's settling in. But I dreamed again. She's there. I passed out and he took her

I don't think I like wolves very much any more. But I'm damn good with a bow.

Sep. 25th, 2013




My dreams took a turn for the horrible. I’m trying to look at this objectively, but my side feels like it’s on fire. There’s this angry wound I woke up with…

I just don’t know how the hell I kept going after that. Getting run through and then crawling through mud and water and rain to escape.

I’m not even going to think about that shrine, or the corpses. Oh god, Steph.

I could really use a jaffa cake.

And rescue from hospital.

Sep. 24th, 2013




Oh my gosh you guys. I don't remember who it was that posted up that fashion post a few days ago, but I was doing some research around, and all of the fall colors are perfect on my skin.

I'm going to need to do all the shopping when I get there!

I was talking to someone with a dog named Garm last time I posted on here. Helja? Thank you so much for the moving tips. I've actually been pre-shipping some of my items and they've arrived safe and sound. We really need to get together when I land! Shopping and coffee dates and surfing! I have no surfing gear so I hope you can set me in the right direction for that.

I can't wait to get there. I hope you guys at the Croft house are ready for this!

Sep. 16th, 2013




It should be noted that I have always used condoms in literally every one of my scenes at work (if you do not know what I do and you are curious, Google me). I also get tested for all STIs and STDs every three months. I have funded campaigns to make this standard practice, actually! I know there is a lot of panic right now surrounding things - I had to film a scene in Arizona, of all places, due to new legislation here.

Never let it be said that Zevran is not sensible.




Well, the cats are back to normal. I'm sure Lara's friend Sam will be sad not to see them flying around on the webcam anymore. I'm kind of sad, too. Watching them terrorize Renji was amusing as hell. Sorry, Renji, but it's true.

Wrex is probably super happy that Doom the squirrel is no longer trying to bench press the Ranch, too.

Unrelated - Does anyone on here knit? I've got a really weird request for a knitter. I'd pay for the yarn and your time, but I'm looking for handsocks. Or something like that. A long piece of knitted tube I can slide over my wrist and arm, and part of my hand?

My skin is really sensitive so it has to be the kind of yarn that was produced by angel feathers or something, but I'm willing to pay really decently for anyone who can do this for me.

Sep. 14th, 2013




So I've got this charity fundraiser I'll be attending, and I've been working on my schmoozing skills. I'm pretty terrible at this, and much better at working with ... well people who've been dead a thousand years.

Mercifully, I haven't had any new dreams since the shipwreck.

Sep. 13th, 2013




Hey guys! I'm so excited to finally be signed up on this network so I can talk to you all! This place is so much more interesting to read about than London. All kinds of stuff happens there, sure, but they don't have flying house cats or crazy dreams. I can't wait to finally move there and be a part of all of this. We're going to have so much fun!

I'm Sam, one of Lara's friends! She has no idea that I've been reading this board and stalking her like a creepy stalker, but I guess she does, now! Hi, sweetie! *wave*

So, who can help me out? I'm going to need a list of all the cool places to be. I heard a burlesque club was opening up, soon? Where else is fun? Bars, clubs, I definitely need to know where everyone is hanging out.