
Posts Tagged: 'padme+amidala'

Sep. 25th, 2013




Welp. I thought I could make it through this month with no dreams, but of course I jinxed myself. Surprise surprise. At least it wasn't anything that left me completely exhausted this morning. We left the planet and arrived back on a planet that is basically the capital of this part of the galaxy. I talked to one of the Senators from my planet, who weirdly enough is a Senator here in real life as well, and we discussed how to figure out our problem with the people trying to take over my planet.

A lot of political things went down and I'm not entirely sure if I made the right decision in that dream, but I did decide I'm going back to my home planet to fight for freedom. Whenever those dreams happen they should be interesting.

On another note, at least it's almost October, which means my results are almost here. I am going crazy just waiting around for this stuff. Someone hire me to just file paper work or something until I become a big girl lawyer! Haha.

Sep. 24th, 2013






Sep. 23rd, 2013



1. Jedi lie. I didn't know they were allowed to do that. I thought the guardians of peace and justice would also include honesty as one of their tenets. Ah well, learn something new every day/dream, like beautiful young women leading armies into battle, that was an interesting dream within a dream.

2. I forgot how much I actually miss building things. I might have to dig out my tools and materials and put something together this coming weekend, maybe something like a Roomba, only better. Or a gardening robot now that I have space for a garden, I don't know, we'll see how I feel at the time.



Filtered Away from Belle, Fang, and Wolfwood

I try so hard t'be cheerful and full of sunshine, you know? I don't want to see anyone down or sad, so when I get that way myself, I just like to close my eyes and lose myself in some happier memories. Usually, that helps.

But... It's not the dreams, this time. Something happened, I don't want to talk about it, but it did, and I feel like my life stopped right then. I don't know how to make it pick back up again. And I felt like... I don't want to be the person who needs protecting anymore. I can't be. Sometimes, the person you're expecting to protect you needs you to be strong for them.

Havin' a hard time sleeping, now. So I guess... Network, could you give me some advice? I'm lookin' for someone who can teach me to kick some arse. And I'm also lookin' for some sleep remedies.

Appreciate any help you can give!

Sep. 21st, 2013




I have had the worst headache this weekend

Sep. 13th, 2013




My family is coming to visit this weekend. They're going to be here tonight. Is this craziness over yet? I feel better than I did earlier this week. I even went and ventured out in the public and didn't break anything. So, hopefully that means this is just temporary.




I don't know who all is friends with Fang, but I thought I'd just make a quick note here t'say that she's in hospital right now.

She's really sick, like some of the other people 'round here have been. They've got her... I guess the word is 'stabilized', but I'm not sure what's going on now or how long we're gonna be in here.

Sep. 11th, 2013




And one of my dogs just shot me in the ass with a laser. Spectacular.

Sep. 10th, 2013




List of things I need to buy:
- Alarm clock
- Coffee pot
- DVD player
- earmuffs

I am apparently a Jedi with a penchant for destroying electrical things. At least I can't destroy this bottle of vodka. Seriously, how does the world exist without coffee?

Sep. 7th, 2013




I love helping out and being the face and sort of man in charge of the charities I set up, but I really hate when people come up with the "let's do a bachelor auction" idea.

I really hate it when they say I'm one of the bachelors.

So, if you'd like to "purchase" me in a totally offensive, vaguely racist cattle call, Saturday the 21st at the Hyrule Hotel in downtown Irvine is your day to do it. But it does support a good cause - Helping Hands. We help kids out who were in the foster care system for long periods of time by setting them up with lots of scholarships and grants so that they can go to college for as little out of pocket as possible. Education shouldn't solely be an enterprise of the rich.

Sep. 3rd, 2013




Well, to those in favor of a free Scotland... I was unable to liberate them. I apologize. I also failed to smuggle back any genuine haggis.

Aug. 29th, 2013




So, has anyone ever Googled themselves and found something embarrassing on the internet?

(I don't mean porn. Though that would be pretty embarrassing.)

Because I definitely just found this from my "Finally Chuck Got A Real Job" party. And they thought they could keep this from me.

Aug. 27th, 2013




Is it odd that I find myself growing fond of people in my dreams that I haven't met before? A few more dreams last night even though nothing earth shattering has happened yet, I can't help but sense that something big is coming. I'm not really sure if I want to know what's happening (Don't give me spoilers, Obi-Wan).

The most fantastical and out of the ordinary thing that happened was this podrace. It's like nascar, but with space ships and a lot more violence and things being blown up. I can understand why it's a big source of entertainment on that planet because there isn't much there, but goodness is it dangerous. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, but thankfully the boy we met won the race and his freedom. So now we're off to antoher planet (finally) and we'll see where it goes from there. Is it bad that I'm hoping for something exciting?

Aug. 22nd, 2013



Today, we'd all like to point out that it is one of our older brothers' birthdays. So if you see Perfect Percy Proudly Passing (haha alliterations) do us a favor and do the most embarrassing thing you can think of to him.

Talking usually does the trick.

Happy Birthday, dude bro.

In other news, it is Thursday, and that is a perfect day to come to For the Lulz and give us your money. [address]

Aug. 11th, 2013




Well, I must say that I'm very glad I missed this latest shenanigan. It would have been quite hard to do my Bar Exam if I had been in another body. And can I just say that I'm really glad that is over with for now? I can't believe I have to sit and wait until November to find out if I passed or not. I understand why it takes so long since there's SO many of us taking the test, but come on.

This now means that I can go out and have some fun. What's going on that I should go do on this lovely Sunday? Or hell, even this week. I need to get out and away from my books.

Aug. 10th, 2013




I have discovered a hot spring spa in my travels. Which reminds me very much of the baths on Tatooine. I'm doubt I'll be letting them wrap me in mud and cellophane any time soon, but the mineral water is very relaxing.

Jul. 29th, 2013




Well, the Bar exam starts tomorrow. I won't lie and say that I'm not nervous, I'm a little terrified. I'm heading up to LA today to get settled in at my hotel and try to relax and maybe study more before everything starts tomorrow morning. The fact that it is three days long almost makes me wish I had picked another state to study in, but I can't deny that I enjoy California quite a bit. But again, a big thank you to everyone who has helped me study or not study, haha.

Well, here goes nothing! Wish me luck.

Jul. 11th, 2013




So I finally had a dream like lots of other people seem to have on here. It's not so different from my life, like my parents and uncles are the same but a one big thing is it's in a kind of medieval type of world. It's actually pretty cool!

But the best bit has to be that I'm a Princess! A real life proper princess because dad is the king.




When did it become July? My Bar exam is at the end of the month and I'm trying not to mentally count down the days and freak myself out. Thankfully Percy Weasley has been an amazing help in coming up with some practice exams and my friend, Sam, has helped remind me to just calm down and not over study. I feel pretty prepared and I almost wish time would go faster so I could take the exam and be done.

On another note, I had another of my Dreams last night. It was more space time adventures. I got away from my home planet with the help of the Jedi and we were in a bit of a space battle with other ships. Thankfully this amazing droid called R2D2 helped fix the ship enough for us to land on another planet. Qui-Gon and I decided to head into the planet's main downtown to find parts for the ship which was definitely an interesting experience. We found a shop to help us get pieces, although the owner (another alien) was definitely greedy and sleazy, and met a boy that he had as a slave. YES, a slave. That infuriates me so much that not everyone in this universe is free (I know it's weird to get upset over things in a world that doesn't exist, but basic human rights). He seemed like a very sweet boy though and invited us over for dinner, which is where my dream ended. I'm really curious as to what is going to happen.

[Filtered to Obi-Wan]
I...I need to talk to you. I'm so confused about this boy I met in my dream.

Jul. 10th, 2013




somewhere in northern nevada

view from phone )

anyone know where i am?

anyone able to give me a lift?

Jul. 4th, 2013




Happy Fourth of July, everyone!

This is one of my favorite holidays because as a child who grew up with politics in the house there was nothing better than celebrating this holiday. I grew up admiring the way our country works and had a lot of great experiences while we were a political family. Not everything is perfect about us, but I'm proud of who we are and the amazing people that fight for our freedom. I'm still not completely sold on staying out of politics when I get a little older, but for now I'll just enjoy being a regular citizen again.

My parents are on their way here to spend the long weekend with me (my sister as well) and I couldn't be more excited. It's not as exciting as being in Washington DC to celebrate, but we'll be going to see Josh Groban at the Hollywood Bowl. I'm so ready to just have some fun and hopefully make my dad grill some hamburgers this weekend.

Have a safe and fun evening!

Jul. 2nd, 2013




[update: originally not filtered, but it seems obi has finally figured how to lock this]

i used to enjoy this holiday but i swear if i see one more red white and blue banner i'm going to puree it with my lightsaber

Jun. 22nd, 2013




I got woken up today by a flock of robins on my balcony. They decided to serenade me by singing Bohemian Rhapsody. While, I enjoy that song quite a bit, I did not enjoy being woken up early on one of my few days to sleep in. Is this going to be over soon?

Jun. 18th, 2013




I feel like I've finally been initiated into this community by finally have some extremely lucid dreams. And not to sound full of myself, but I'm apparently a Queen in my dreams. And not like Queen of England or anything, but the Queen of this planet in space. SPACE. What The Heck? And I was pretty young too, younger than I am now. Slightly impressed by that at least.

The dreams didn't give me much hope for my career in the future since my negoitating powers aren't high. My planet got invaded by a bunch of aliens and their droids and there was also a lovely assassination attack on me. Thankfully two guys in robes and these weapons that are a sword with a beam of light showed up and saved the day. And I give props to whomever came up with the idea to have me pretend to be a handmaiden and use a decoy as the Queen. I also had some awesome costumes for being Queen.

Now I have to drink like 10 cups of coffee to wake up and not think about this all day.

Jun. 11th, 2013




I always knew wedding planning would be a lot of fun. I'll even admit I have a whole notebook full of ideas for my own wedding, but I'm having an absolute blast helping Natasha and Thor with theirs. It helps that I'm on hiatus from the show right now so I have a ton of time to dedicate to them. They're so cute together!

I can't wait to get married so long as it's not to Tyr to someone I love. I just haven't found him yet. I thought for a time that maybe it would be Theon, but I think me spending some time with myself has been good for me. I've spent a lot of time really working on me which is something I hadn't done before now.

Life is good. I have no complaints.

Jun. 9th, 2013




All work and no play makes Penelope a something something. Anyone want to go out for drinks tonight? Figured a lot of people on here could use a night to relax and recharge, so let's all go out and have a couple of drinks and do some dancing and pretend that our lives aren't busy and awful.

Jun. 4th, 2013




Okay so. Valarnet. Don't ask me how I pulled it off, but I TOTALLY pulled it off and stating tonight, well technically tomorrow at midnight we are gonna have the most bitching party in like. Ever. Slumber party at the little café on ULCA's campus. Well, you don't have to stay overnight but I so am. We're there from the stroke midnight Wednesday, to the same stroke of on Friday and it is gonna be amazing. Forty eight hours of me, five hundred macarons, ALL THE COFFEE WE COULD EVER WANT, entertainment, a study table way off in the corner for the losers, music, drunk twister, drunk EVERYTHING and I really, really hope that you can come?

You don't even have to be a student to show up though really, what better way to blow off the last week of classes you don't even wanna BE in? This is going to be AMAZING and I really hope you come!

[Insert Address. And also fliers around campus, etc]




Hello everyone, my name is Padmé and I just discovered this nifty forum (? right word?) - I'm stuck doing some social media advertising for my internship right now, so I happened to stumble onto this. I'm not going to plug my job here because that seems in bad taste. But if you need legal help, feel free to ask me about it.

But all I know is that I can't believe it's June. That means I don't have much time left before the Bar Exam and I'm starting to freak out. Doesn't help that one of the newer associates keeps talking about how hard it was and I'm pretty sure she's trying to mess with me.

But I can definitely tell that I'm going to need a drink after work. Any good spots I should go to?