
Posts Tagged: 'mayuri+kurotsuchi'

Sep. 10th, 2012




Why is it, if you're a girl in your twenties or thirties, everyone and his brother has to ask you "oh are you getting married, do you have a boyfriend, don't you want kids?" What if I don't want a boyfriend? What if I don't want to get married? What if I *gasp* don't want kids? Am I not allowed to be happy with myself and my dog, or my mom and hers?

I'm 27. Stop telling me how I should live my life.

Also? I hate Mondays.

Sep. 8th, 2012




These dreams have really have to go. It's nice that some of you get to dream about magic, magical places, flying and butterflies but some of us don't. It's all kids killing kids and people betting on the outcome like it is some twisted reality television show. Win? Yeah, your life doesn't get any better apparently. Least it didn't for me in this dream land.

But HEY! Least I can say I was a Victor and it is now my job to mentor kids ever year! Kids that will be destined to die. It gives me a reason to pour myself a drink here in the real world.

Sep. 7th, 2012




Konnichiwa, valar.net! I'm Ichimaru Gin, from Osaka. Pleased to meet ya. I'm looking forward to my great big ol' California vacation, where I'm goin' to Disneyland and seein' the big Hollywood sign and lookin' at girls in bikinis on beaches.

So now that I'm here, how about let's play a game? It's one of those getting-to-know-you games, which is fun for everyone if they want to take part in it.

If you had to pick an animal that best symbolizes you, what would it be and why? Please explain, so that the rest of us can get a better insight into if you're insane or not.

Just kidding! Don't want to start a hootenanny on the internet. It's already insane enough as it is. I've been on 4chan. I know how bad it can get.

My answer: I've always liked foxes and stories about kitsune. They're clever critters and I like clever critters. Other people tend to call me fox-face because I grin too much and I like to play pranks sometimes. So I think I'm most like that. And it's better than admittin' that I think I'm like a snake, too.

How about the rest of you?




That's odd.

I don't think Kanye West liked the Party Cannon! I thought everyone liked the Party Cannon!

Aug. 26th, 2012




Why do people insist on putting onions in everything?

Aug. 15th, 2012




Hello Valarnet.

Save the date, September 7th. Stark Industries is going to have a little shindig to celebrate the opening of the campus. Black tie, and I personally guarantee an amazing time.

See you there, kiddos.