
Posts Tagged: 'lina+inverse'

Apr. 15th, 2015




I'm a bit disappointed. I ran across a place yesterday called Alchemy Hair. It was only a salon. This place being what it is on it's best day had my hopes up a bit too much even.

[filtered to Emma]
Ever have days where you don't even want to get up?

[Filtered to Raven]
The dreams are not supposed to bring me people. This is fucking stupid. I'm pretty sure this guy I work with though just showed up at the flower shop the other day. My commanding officer with some ah..personality issues.

Apr. 6th, 2015




Think we picked a good time to go to Paris. Ain't sure I wanna go back until things get back to normal in Orange County.

Ain't sure shit ever gonna get back to normal.

But Paris is nice.

Laura K





Okay cupcakes, anyone know where one could get a magical sheathe capable of holding a sword that can destroy ultimate evils but also kill the wielder in the process?

Asking for a friend.

Apr. 5th, 2015




You know what? I'm actually used to all this OC BS by now. Like, it's inevitable. I never get overlooked by the weird body changing stuff. At least I'm totally someone a little bit cool I guess.

Okay, but, bigger problem. So I guess I'm still dreaming as me? Which is a bit comforting. Except that of all people in the world to rebuild Asgard, the All Mother picked Tony Stark!? Like now I have to live in this totally cool high tech world of Asgardia constant reminder that he's a person that exists. :(

Apr. 4th, 2015




gif behind cut )

Apr. 3rd, 2015




I'm not normally the sort to shop at Hot Topic (I didn't know what it bloody was until I moved here), but I just ordered two pairs of each of these online. Because the cat stockings are just the cutest, even if the bear is a bit shifty.

Mar. 31st, 2015




Alright, folks - I'm running away to Scotland for my birthday next month, and if you want some neat foreign crap, speak now or forever hold your peace. I might want to stay forever because I'm really tempted to just take over a castle and retire, but I'm still contemplating that. But I really was meant to live in a luxurious castle so debating's pointless when I know the answer.

AKA, adios, fuckers.

Kidding. Mostly.

But seriously I don't know what stuff is there, but if you always wanted stuff from there--and London, because adventure--let me know.

Mar. 29th, 2015




I've got my passport all updated, and I even managed to get a passport picture that doesn't look horrible! The last time I'd gotten one was when I was a younger teen, and it's amazing to see them side by side and compare them. You never think about how a few years might change your looks since it happens so gradually, but there's the proof.

Also brushing up on my French. I haven't really had a good reason to use it since aramis-- lately, but I'm going to need it now! I'm really excited about this, I can't wait until next Wednesday!

Mar. 28th, 2015




Some people just make it too easy.

Mar. 27th, 2015




I haven't been on a proper date in ages. I feel like this calls for shopping. Maybe a new dress. Or is that too keen? I'm just excited to go out and do something.

Mar. 23rd, 2015




I welcome Spring Break with .... dundundun ... dreams.

I did find out that vampire blood is not a cure for cancer. Now that I think about it, it doesn't cure diseases period. Damn, that sucks - vampire humor.

Anyway, here is a question. If you love someone, and they die, and you do the whole battle with grief thing, is it appropriate ANYWHERE to have your memories rearranged so that the survivor never loved the person that died. It's like forgetting all the good memories that made the couple in the first place. That started a few dreams ago, but dream me can't quite let it go, even if they got back together. . I just can't wait for the next dose of dream hell.




"Feed a dog for three days and you get attached." I'm sure that could have been a thoughtful proverb if my dream!me didn't really butcher it.

I went through a cycle of the same dreams, over and over. First about a spell, then actual nightmares from the dream!self. Now there's a city I remember seeing destroyed resurrected with all its previously dead citizens in it. Also the diabolical little shit of a Hellmaster decided to possess Gourry, cover him in armor from head to toe, and then have us almost kill each other. And flare carrots, really?

Head, meet desk. I kind of preferred the dreams where I was stuck in a pink horse outfit for reasons.

This is why citizens of Orange County greet the morning with a cup of booze rather than a cup of joe most of the time.

Mar. 15th, 2015




Beware the Ides of March. Here's hoping you don't get stabbed today, network.

It's also Mother's Day in the UK but I'd rather hear about where all the good St. Patrick's Day celebrations are going to be. Go on and help a fellow out?

Good god, I'm ready for new dreams where I'm not in an arranged marriage with a fairy.

Mar. 10th, 2015




Menu's all set for Friday.

I went through about six revisions. Tonight. Because i'm indecisive. Argued with myself for a good two hours. and here I thought I was doing good. Oh well. Menu's finally set. Cooking will start bright and early.

When I throw a feast, I throw a feast to remember. Or something.

Mar. 5th, 2015




Back to spending my free time at the Cafe. Decided that whenever this feast will be, will NOT be on Saint Patrick's Day. because I don't want to crush two awesome things together.

But I? Am so making these.

There's an envelope with your name on it in the kitchen - I've split how the funds from the cafe come in ,one goes to "PAY THESE BILLS" fund, one goes to "HOUSE", there's a card in there that accesses the House bank account. Use it for whatever we need at the house. I know I'm kind of withdrawn and hiding but yeah, I thought this was a good idea too. I already prepaid for the jacuzzi, though, so you don't need to worry about that. :)

Mar. 4th, 2015




Okay, so basically there's a drive-through convenience store in San Diego that I need to hit up, just for the experience. Who wants a road trip?

Like literally drive-through. You pull up and can order beer, milk, ice cream, maybe some condoms? I can't decide if that's ingenious or really the epitome of good old-fashioned American laziness.

Don't get any ideas about gas station burritos, Lina.

Mar. 2nd, 2015




Fine, Taylor Swift, you win. I know all the words to that one song and identify strongly with it.

Ugh, I hate when I bow to pop culture, but she's like some sort of adorable southern siren.

Feb. 25th, 2015




Is it too early to start planning the after party? Rogue's got moonshine in the works, will most likely cook for an entire army, and we can celebrate no one we liked died. This entire thing is worthy of alcohol indulgence. Probably won't take place for a week or two, but hey! Enough time to make it awesome.

Do us a favor, OC. Try not to lose your shit so we can enjoy some downtime, got it? I will put a goddamn hole in you otherwise.

Now, I usually don't mix candy with alcohol - blech - but I'm going to get my hands on these. Booze filled chocolates. This can either be really good or really gross, but I'm all for trying things at least once.

Feb. 23rd, 2015




Well, I had a fantastic weekend (first one in ages) which I guess decided to end itself by giving me more of those weird dreams. And was visited by the Dream Fairy I've heard so much about. I now have the dress I've been wearing in my dreams. And also have figured out a pretty big draw to why I'm wearing it.

I've also escaped this Circle place a number of times, which leads me to one very important question. How is it possible for an entire country to smell like dog shit?

Feb. 18th, 2015




Reliving a more twisted version of high school in my dreams isn't exactly my idea of a good time. Who wants to go back to high school, really?

Feb. 9th, 2015




[Image behind cut! food porn]

You know, I always wondered how I'd die.

I always knew it probably wouldn't be pretty. I won't be in bed surrounded by fat grandchildren with a tub full of jell-o beside me, because by then I would have lost all my teeth and I'd have a gelatin diet. I thought I'd probably get shot. Or I'd do some epic suicide mission with a bunch of explosives strapped onto me. You know, heroic crap.

But now I know how I'm going to go. And the way I'm going to die is by eating these for breakfast for the next couple years. BEHOLD )

And I'm really, really okay with that. Just let me go the way I was meant to.




Sometimes I feel like a righteous man wouldn't have none of these problems, but then I've seen that righteous man and I don't want nothing to do with him.

Feb. 1st, 2015




Okay, so my little Moroccan-themed house is currently a mess because the Dream Fairies decided to literally take a book-shit in my space and dump a whole library's worth there. So many spellbooks and everything and anything related to the occult and mysticism. Who out there is a fellow friend of the hocus pocus and wants to come over and help me sort and organize into an actual library? I'll even order pizza. Or Chinese food, just no dark meat. Or white meat.

Private to Raven )

Jan. 29th, 2015




I. Am. So. Bored.

Please, someone, anyone, let's go cause a scene or two tonight.

Jan. 23rd, 2015




Due to the recent rise in crime rates Always is now operating a bodyguard/escort policy. If you intend to leave the club alone one of our trained and fully credited bouncers will escort you wherever you are going. Even if it's just to catch a cab.

I don't want anybody to be injured as a result of just wanting to have a fun night out.

Jan. 22nd, 2015



failed filter from Naga the Goddamn Serpent

I'm probably going to get arrested tonight.

Jan. 21st, 2015




Hello! I'm Naga and I'm new in town. I'm just settling in and I've been going through the job listings and I have a couple of them circled but is it just me or do some of the jobs out there sound really ... Off? I mean, Hot Dog choreographer? Head of Potatoes? MILF Commander?

It's so hysterical I'm laughing.

And who would hire a suspicious fisherman?

Jan. 20th, 2015




Is there a word for baking out of sheer relief? And shock? I don't know if there is but I may have baked again. And over cooked. Taste of Home is just filled with food again.

I mean beyond what customers are ordering.

Someone come save me from myself? XD




There was a truck blocking the entrance to the Garage at Stark Industries when I came in, so I had to park a couple of blocks away. It's amazing how many stores are closed. I noticed on my walk in this morning that half the places I used to frequent now have darkened interiors, and a bunch of them have boarded up windows, shattered glass, and the like. It's starting to feel like some dystopian future world, where rival gangs have taken over the city and are trying to steal our hoverboards for their war against the oppressive government. Or something.

Not looking forward to the walk back to my car.

Jan. 18th, 2015




My kid's idea of torturing me on a sunday night is making me watch the new season of Worst Cooks of America.

... at least I can make a decent taco after my own time on the show. But I never did master making crepes.

Which is ironic, since the best thing I could make before I ended up on the show was pancakes.

Jan. 17th, 2015





Jan. 12th, 2015




All this crime is getting ridiculous. I should have stayed on the East Coast.

How's your head?

Jan. 11th, 2015




Hey, I need a pricing for patching up bullet holes in my van. There's mechanics on this thing, right?

Also, people, please be armed, as nothing is ever sacred anymore.

[Private to Elizabeth Comstock]
Are you home? There's a safe in my closet, [combination number]. I know you've got your portals, but Aunt Flo's in there, and I'd rather have you be armed with something nowadays.

Jan. 10th, 2015




Well folks, here's some bad news that's sure to brighten your day. Police and other law enforcement on this network might want to take note of this, too (and yes, I'm going to file an official report).

But you know how there's been this sudden and unexplained spike in the crime rate? Well guess what?

Those goons are now really well armed. And I know that because my gun shop got cleaned out at some point last night. Whoever did it didn't even trip up my security system, so marks for that I guess.

Jan. 5th, 2015




Technology and how far we've come baffles me at times. I grew up in this generation, the one that's watched as cell phones changed from gigantic bricks to tiny wafers of cardboard that can do so much more than make phone calls. I was there for the internet, when you used your phone to connect to it. I remember when computers were so big and heavy they could barely fit on a desk, and now they're the size of a standard paper notebook. And about as heavy.

I'm always scared I'm going to break this thing. My son would laugh and the other kid would remind me how sturdy they actually are. But hell, I'm still trying to figure out how to use the Keurig at the office. When did coffee makers have so many buttons?

Where are we going? Postage stamp prices keep rising - who sends letters anymore? Who buys the printed word when they can get it in a heartbeat on their phone, or computer? A thousand years from now, is anyone going to know what made us who we are? There won't be anything physical left to remind them.

Ridiculous worries from a nostalgic older woman, I guess.

Jan. 4th, 2015




Anyone know a good pizza place? I still just have mustard, ketchup and a bottle of water in my fridge and I'm going craving pizza. Or, well, real food in general. But leaning towards pizza.

Jan. 2nd, 2015




I hate it when I see someone I don't want to see when the dreams start rearing its ugly head around. I'm also really, really craving a baked potato.

RIP, Auntie Aqua. You were a lady tinier than I, and you're damn welcome for those piggy-back rides.

Jan. 1st, 2015




I'm pretty sure this is what death feels like.




Oh. Yes. That stings a bit. How did I manage this one? I wasn't even drunk last night.

Dec. 28th, 2014




I kind of want to stay in and not get drunk this New Years.

Neena! Lina! kick me, I think I've lost my mind.




What is everyone planning for New Year's Eve?

Dec. 27th, 2014




So I got my Demon Blood Talismans - all four of them. Which means I'm at full power, which is kinda nifty, I guess. They're magic boosters to the extreme, amplifies any spell with the right incantation. Downside about it is that it's an extra incantation, so it can lag things behind.

I also need to find a way to convert them to every day accessories that don't look gaudy. It's nice to have them, though. Even if he gave me those in the dreams. Now my sorceress get up is complete! Tough shit I'll never wear the entire thing.

Dec. 24th, 2014




Not even home for a complete day, and I get the cops called on me. Apparently the neighbors aren't too cool with me having my personally made fireworks tossed in the sky for Christmas Eve. They were actually fireballs exploding in the sky and not as pretty, but it was bright and warm? Semantics, I say.

Quit suppressing my religious holiday freedom, OC. Also, why are you so damn cold?

Dec. 21st, 2014




Looking for Christmastime activities that a solo person can do on his own without turning into the creepy alone guy everyone fears and/or pities. Any suggestions?

Dec. 16th, 2014




Triggers: Mentions of character death, etc, open to all )

Private to X-Folk, Lina, Cindy, Astrid, Rose, if i forgot you, you! )




Cut for Possible Character Death Triggers, viewable to all )

Dec. 8th, 2014




I forgot how the whole 'drinking and breaking bars' thing can be therapeutic. Especially when the place is owned by someone you used to know and they feed you some bullcrap info to piss you off. Then they're surprised when I break their things and face. Arrest me, world, I don't care right now.

Man, people are making me testy lately. I feel better, since we're in a motel with actual running hot water and my Chinese food is floating in the tub.

No, seriously, the stuff floats and I'm multi-tasking. Proof )

Dec. 7th, 2014




I clearly picked the wrong time to move. I never thought snow would get in the way. This place is weird. Despite mother nature being against us, we still managed the move to our new apartment. It's nice to have my own room again, and an actual bed.

Dec. 3rd, 2014




At a gas station. Neal's in the loo. So he can't see me buy all these.

food porn )

Nov. 28th, 2014




I've been getting letters from Neal while he and Lina have been on the road. Older forms of correspondence are nice, and remind me of more simple days. Well... more simple days that I've read about. I wasn't allowed to write letters to people in either of my lives, but I have a kind of... fascination with it.

I used to have a collection of stationary and colored ink pens and all of this. I turned it towards the practice of calligraphy and other things, since I couldn't use it to write to anyone but my tutors.

I wish I could write them back, but there's no where I'd know to send a letter to. Still, it's a comfort to hear that they're alright. Mostly. The last letter I got was a little concerning. If either of you are checking this on your phone, I hope you're both doing alright! And that you enjoyed your chicken and waffles?