
Posts Tagged: 'integra+hellsing'

Aug. 17th, 2013




School picks back up shortly. I'm rather excited to begin my classes anew, although I am not sure how I feel about a few of them. I am, however, extremely glad to be back to a regular routine. It's not that I don't enjoy my trips to see my Father, but he is my father, and generally a wee bit overbearing.

In other news, I figure I should share this here, I have my first fight coming up. I'm anxious about it, but it'll be exciting. Although the dieting before hand is a little saddening, I am a girl who loves her pasta.

Aug. 12th, 2013




Well I have returned home from my trip, er, home to London. Just in time to return to classes. Found this on a board, while I was waiting for my adviser. So hello, there, I am Integra Hellsing.