
Posts Tagged: 'fluttershy'

Jun. 8th, 2012



[Locked to Fluttershy]


I don't apologize often for shite that I do but maybe part of it was a little...whatever it is when it probably shouldn't have happened the way that it did, but it did anyway. It wasn't...fine the part with the delicious dolphin and kittens was aimed at you but the other parts were aimed at her for...it's a short but complicated story that I don't care to relay because it doesn't matter to her and I've apparently gone over the bloody statute of limitations. And she was a bitch to bring that up.

So it's not an apology precisely but more a...thing where things happened and I recognize the things happened, the way they happened.

With happenings.

And fuckery.

That's all.



[Locked to Fluttershy]

Uhm. I'm sorry. About the 'angry hamster' in your thread. That's pretty much my fault. I was an immature prat and hurt him a long time ago. I didn't mean to get him started like that but it wasn't fair of him to derail your adorableness.




There's so much scary on the network today, so I...

Well I found this adorable video. And I decided to share it with you all ... even though I don't know most of you.

You should watch this! ...If you want to, of course.


Oh I guess I don't know how to make the movie work here.

So here's a link instead!





So I had this absolutely awesome idea.

Internet Care Bears.

We could have Troll Bear, Nyan Bear, and of course 2Bears1Cup.

Jun. 6th, 2012




Next person who tries to sit on Tank is getting their asses kicked. Only so much a tortoise can take until he gets bitey.

...Or until he hides in his shell and I get real annoyed. Poor little guy.

Jun. 3rd, 2012




It's been... well it's been a interesting week I guess, hasn't it?

I keep reading about dreams. I had a dream... I had wings! And lots and lots of pink hair, but... well I had four legs and they were hoofs. And I had butterflies on my ... flank?

I was mean to people everywhere and had turned into a monster, then I locked myself in my cottage because I was so scared of myself.

I almost didn't want to leave my house today. That dream was... well it wasn't normal. I was a flying horse. Everything was ... extra colorful. And it seemed so real.

On a side note, people who come to your pet store, scare all the animals, insist on putting 10 fighting fish in the same tank, then leave... those people are mean. Who DOES that?





Here's my new track! I just keep dreaming them up, it's the craziest thing!

Let me know if you like it! Or if you don't! Or if you kind of like it recorded but think that a live remix might be better but admittedly that's because the club atmosphere is just that much more fun!

Also if you want pie because I'm kind of feeling snacky.

Jun. 2nd, 2012



Since this concept is unclear to some of us, let me spell it out: when a sign says "Do Not Touch, Please Ask For Assistance", it means you do not touch it. Not with your fingers, not with your toes, not with your tongue, nothing. You keep all body parts away from whatever you're eyeing and ask one of the shopkeepers to help you.

That's what they're there for, people.

Jun. 1st, 2012




I will be spending the weekend in recovery from the semester's end rush. After that, I will find myself with an abundance of time on my hands. I think I'd like to take up a new hobby.

You asked me about helping with your spaceship quite some time ago. I will now be able to help in whatever fashion you'd like me to.

I would very much like to take you to dinner soon. And perhaps you'd like to come over sometime this weekend? I would not force my cooking upon you, but we could order food and watch movies, if you like that sort of thing. (Is inviting you over in such a fashion a suitable move for our current relationship status?)




Dating sucks. If things keep going this way, I'm going to have to find a miniature breed of cats small enough to fit in my apartment.

May. 29th, 2012




WOW CARMEN! You're super duper good! Wanna open for me next week?

And Sansa, I'm totally feeling tandoori tonight but I don't want to be a buttface and ask you to pick it up or something so let's go grab it together! THANKS BUDDY!




so these weird dreams everyone's having

anyone else think it's some sort of conspiracy or something? maybe they're experimenting on us, secret mind control stuff

May. 28th, 2012



Always find days off problematic. Boredom, lack of focus. Unpleasant. Would much rather be working.

May. 25th, 2012



Introducing, at two weeks old, the newest litter! )




I just got yelled at by HR for "going over the overtime limit". I need another distraction from this crazy shit that isn't work a hobby.

May. 24th, 2012



So I uhm ... I have a pet shop.

... And it's a nice pet shop! I was really blessed to get a location that is clean and neat and doesn't look like scary people are going to pop up out of nowhere and mug you and steal your pets and wallets.

I know I wouldn't want to buy a pet from a place like that!

It's over in Huntington Beach, and it's called Fluttershy's Menagerie. Oh, Fluttershy is... I guess... kind of a nickname of mine.

I'm bad at this. I'm Minerva, hello internet. It's a lot easier to type here than it is to advertise and make commercials and things.

Anyway, I do a lot of the breeding myself, and I sort of made the mistake of getting a bunny friend for my rabbit, Angel...

And now I have ... well... a whole LOT of bunnies for sale. SO many bunnies for sale. They're all adorable and need love and happy homes, won't you come by and take some of these bunnies off my hands?

I would really appreciate it... if you know, it's not too much trouble.