
Posts Tagged: 'daryl+dixon'

Aug. 28th, 2015




I guess I should be glad not all the dream rules don't apply to real life or my father would have tried to sell me for food again (this makes the second time) today. Stay classy Genma stay classy.

Can one quit their family?

Aug. 26th, 2015




So you know that moment when there's an impending since of utter and complete doom in your dreams?

Yeah. I think I hit that point in mine.

Aug. 3rd, 2015




I ain't never had many dreams that I could really remember, but damn, the ones I've been having lately are pretty hard to forget.

Jan. 4th, 2015




Tonight starts that new mini series Galavant. Am I the only one excited for this? It reminds me of Monty Python.

Dec. 29th, 2014




If you could bring back the dead, would you? Is it wrong?

Dec. 28th, 2014




What is everyone planning for New Year's Eve?

Dec. 9th, 2014




So, I'm going to build a blanket fort in the library and live there until finals are over. You're all welcome to join me.

Dec. 1st, 2014




I'm pretty sure I've become a legitimate hermit. Well no, except for Thanksgiving when a good friend pulled me from my hermit-dome and made me enjoy a fantastic meal. There was only a little convincing to be had to get me out of the house. Otherwise I'm sure I'd have spent Thanksgiving with my cats eating whatever the little old ladies next door brought over. Or ice cream.

I need a life. And a night without nightmares. But we're getting there.

And then I woke up to snow today. Snow. Here. I mean, I love snow, I've seen snow, but I wasn't ever expecting it here. But it's so beautiful. I had to go take photos.

Photo, not filtered )

Nov. 20th, 2014




I think Thanksgiving might be my favorite holiday of the year. I get to make a lot of really delicious food. I hope everyone has plans for the holiday.

[The Cellar Employees]
Don’t forget we are closed Thursday and Friday. Enjoy your paid time off with your family and friends. I better not hear any of you spent the holiday alone either. If you’ve got nowhere to go let me know.

I don’t know if your parents have decided if they are joining over at Rick’s for Thanksgiving or if they are doing anything else but you are still welcome to join us!

Nov. 17th, 2014




How is it almost Thanksgiving? I'm not ready for the holiday season.

Oct. 15th, 2014




[OOC: Pretend this was posted earlier and cindy wasn't playing around with reference sheet code.]

All you musically inclined people. Don't forget tonight is Open Mic Night on the terrace of The Cellar. 10PM.

May. 11th, 2013



I found a dog in my yard. No collar. No tags, nothing. Looks kinda like a mutt. I can't tell what kind it is.

Anyone missing a mutt? I don't know what the hell to do with it.

May. 1st, 2013



I'm thinking I want to get a motorcycle. Don't know what kind yet. Anyone know which ones are good?

Apr. 24th, 2013





Apr. 16th, 2013



You think it'd be easier to get up in the morning when you go to bed early. But nope. Stupid damn alarm clock doesn't wanna work and then I'm late for work. Again.

I swear I'm gonna get fired.