
Posts Tagged: 'commander+tyra+shepard'

Jan. 2nd, 2013




Anyone else feel kind of gunky?

Dec. 20th, 2012




...My sister turned up on my doorstep last night. I... haven't seen her for years.

This could turn out to be an amazing Christmas for once

Dec. 16th, 2012




I keep dreaming of this most amazing place... the Prothean Archives on Mars. At least, before Cerberus got there it was amazing So much knowledge, so many discoveries, just waiting for someone to come and decipher it all...

It can't only be archaeologists who get feelings like that, right?

Dec. 11th, 2012




Definitely going to have to be a bar night. Ran out of drinks, don't feel like dealing with the store, so to the bars it is.

Dec. 2nd, 2012



Does anyone here know of someone who teaches self defense classes?

Nov. 29th, 2012




So we had a literal Boston Marriage last week.....

Nov. 28th, 2012



Normally I mock people who make happy stupid announcements about how they love who they're dating on their Facebook and shit, but now I kind of get it. Sometimes you're so happy, you just want to yell it from a roof or something hokey like that.

Nov. 24th, 2012




I think I like this... body I received in my dreams. Certainly much more sturdy than the average human one.

And I don't doubt I'll put it to better use than Cerberus did

Nov. 18th, 2012




Since I don't want to poison Liara and Alma, I'm going to do one of those Thanksgiving delivery cooked meals things Thursday.

You're both welcome.

Nov. 15th, 2012




So life this week is pretty damn amazing.

I think it's a change I want to have keep happening.

I mean, it's even Thursday and I haven't fucked anything up, or picked a fight even once. If I keep this up, then tomorrow I'll get a gold star sticker on my chart. When the whole thing is filled up, I'm giving myself a trip to Disneyland. Or something on the first grader scale of motivation anyway. Like...I don't know, drugs or something.

Or does that count as fucking up the valarnet, even though it's a joke? Damn, there I go again, knocking myself down to a silver star, or even green one. Well, at least I tried?


Is there a good time to swing by and borrow the range for a bit? When no one who could get hurt will be around? I got some throwing knives a while back and feel ready to give them a go.

Nov. 11th, 2012



[Filtered to the following Agency assets: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Oliver Queen, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Scott Summers, Tyra Shepard, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, Greg Lestrade]

We have a portal to space opening up over Death Valley. I have a jet waiting for each of you. We're leaving in one hour. Collect who you trust to help.

We're not alone.

[Filtered to the rest of The Agency]
Code level RED. I need all of you at base monitoring the situation. Await further orders.

Nov. 9th, 2012




Victoria! I have done it! Today is truly a day for celebration!

Nov. 8th, 2012



I woke up unable to breathe, and spent the morning in the ER.

I am fine now, it seems. Kolyat has not left my side. He seemed quite worried. I think he needs a distraction. Mr. Summers, is there any way someone from the ranch could pick him up? He should spend time with people his own age, not his old father.




I suppose I'm going to jump ahead to New Years Resolutions and start eating healthier.

Cupcakes are off the menu

Oct. 31st, 2012




I woke up in a hula skirt, blue fur and with the dry cleaning bills of half the children's party I took my granddaughter to. What the HELL is going on this Halloween? She also left this: Read more... )

She was dressed as Lilo. I was dressed as Stitch and this is my badness meter. I'm still feeling the need to go listen to some Elvis and terrify Senior citizens. Instead, I'm gonna take some nyquil and hope this whole thing passes over. What the fuck?

Oct. 30th, 2012




Did the entire Valarnet go all Crazytown, or what?

Is it something in the candy corn? Damn it, that's my favorite Halloween Candy. I guess I'll eat the little pumpkins instead.




A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.




Je ne vais pas être dissuadés. Je sais ce que je dois faire pour mon pays, je sais que je dois nous défendre. Même en cette période étrange, dans ce lieu étrange, je vais protéger la France. Pour la liberté, pour la famille.

Oct. 29th, 2012




About time, Skeeter.

Shame she was completely off-target. Whilst I respect Shepard and Liara, they're not exactly my usual type.

Oct. 28th, 2012




Never bugger with a woman what has a sword. Savvy?




No, I'm not here to take your lunch order. How do people confuse envelopes and sandwiches? And no, I'm not going to chase down the sandwich guy, either. I'm not your lackey, and you're not the only one busy working. The mailcart I'm pushing might give you a clue that I, too, have a job to do.



Today will be the day that you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.





It just figures that the cost of a pack of cigarettes would go up right around the time I decide to pick the habit up again.

I wish they sold them in single servings. Sometimes you just need one.

Oct. 27th, 2012




I'm dressing up as Captain Sally from Varric Tethras' book series. I've always wanted to be a pirate.

Oct. 21st, 2012




Happy Fucking Birthday to Me.




Bill! See, I told you, you were hot. Even this Kirk guy couldn't resist you. Will you share your secret with me?

For the record, Lindsay Lohan wishes her hair was as pretty as mine. Our red hair is about all we have in common but that's not an issue since she went over to the dark side and became a blonde. I don't plan on checking into rehab either. It's SO overrated not matter how many stars think it's cool.

And why in the world is it okay for guys to have sex but if a girl does it's some big scandal? Even if I was sleeping with him why should it be news worthy? People have sex all the time. Even celebrities.




This 'Cat Lady' from London has caught my interest. Orange County seems to have no shortage of Citizens willing to go above the law and 'do good'. It remains to be seen how much 'good' is actually being done, but as my own investigation is slow, I may as well look into this more fully.

On another note, I seem to have come down with whatever this odd-dream sickness is that everyone else has contracted. That, or I need to rethink what it is I eat before bed.

The dream I've had probably should have been more disturbing to me than it was, considering I was very blue, surrounded by space aliens, and apparently capable of disturbing local police forces merely by my presence.




If Skeeter is going to write her lies about your life, there isn't much you can do about it. At least from a legal point of view.

But doing something on purpose just to incise her poison pen for shits and giggles? There is no excuse. It shows no respect for your name, reputation or for those close to you who must suffer through the indignity.




Somehow I'd forgotten just how crazy some pregnant women get. I was away for too long.

Or maybe the women with common sense just don't get pregnant.




Since it seems I wasn't the only one mistakenly identified as one member of a couple that doesn't exist...

I have never been in a relationship with another man, which includes my flatmate business associate friend Sherlock Holmes. Just wanted to clear that up.

In fact, I was on a date with one of the two women present.

Oct. 20th, 2012




I can't speak to Mai's situation before Kasumi took her in out of the kindness of her heart, but here's what I can say.

1: They aren't lesbian lovers. I know this because Kasumi and I are involved.
2: Yes, we are. And yes, I'm certain she's not sleeping with Mai behind my back.
3: The couch is made up like a bed, where the other girl sleeps.

4: None of this was any of anyone's goddamn business, but I don't mind telling the entire world about us anyway. I'd rather you heard it from me than some fucking tabloid.

Oct. 18th, 2012




Has anyone else found objects that pertain to their dreams? I've found three, so far, and I know others have as well. I'll take the risk and share.

A charred spacehelmet.
A vehicle. Mako no!



[Locked to Normandy Crew]

I just found this in front of my house.

Who wants a ride? )




There's no Shepard without Vakarian

Garrus, I hope we didn't make it to that bar for that drink.

Oct. 14th, 2012




That Skeeter's a fucking laugh riot.

OMG, people who are famous for random shit have sex!1111!!!!! News at 11. Or they don't, because Skeeter's not even a good troll. lol, seriously, she's been doing this HOW LONG and is surprised that someone decided that she was a bitch and decided to let her know that in person?

Needs more popcorn.gif

Oct. 11th, 2012




Hm. My dreams have a tendency to be pretty violent and heartbreaking.

Seems like I should be more disturbed.

Oct. 10th, 2012



Filtered to Tali's friends

Garrus is home safe. Thank you all for your help.

Oct. 8th, 2012




For the record, I plan to marry that naughty professor.

Oct. 9th, 2012




...I really didn't think I'd ever end up in a tabloid. It's almost funny.

Oct. 8th, 2012




I shouldn't have to post this, but I'm going to. Consider it my official statement on the matter.

Commander Tyra Shepard is an upstanding woman and up until a year or so ago, was one of America's finest soldiers. Unless you fought alongside her, you don't get to second-guess that. And it is never alright to bring up anyone's private life in public like that. I don't care who you are.

As my Employee, she has helped shape the kids in her care for the better. She's helped us rebuild, and was a key part of the rescue efforts at the Ranch during the meteor and earthquake. I will not be firing her. Not now, not ever.

I especially will not be firing her over what she chooses to do after hours in her committed and stable relationship. I don't care if that relationship is with a man, woman, bottle of vodka, or electric toaster. You shouldn't either.

She's a good woman and she will be employed at Urdnot Ranch as long as she wants to be. The end.

Oct. 7th, 2012




I finally got my kitty to stay still for a picture! She's gorgeous, and anyone who says otherwise, I'll pout at you and tickle you until you agree. Darn it.

Oct. 4th, 2012




I don't see why Americans seem to make such a big fuss over Halloween. Maybe it was just my upbringing, but... I've never really seen the point.

I guess it's down to any excuse to wear silly costumes.

Sep. 30th, 2012




Guess who was offered a chance to model for America Eagle's lingerie line Aerie? Yep, me. I don't think my mum was too keep on me talking the gig but she needs to realize I'm not a little girl any more. I'm a teenager and that means hormones and boys. Would there be any question if I was a boy?

Sep. 28th, 2012






Sep. 25th, 2012




Tuesday nights are so slow.

New drink special tonight. Two-for-one drinks at Joeyray's if you have an interesting story for the bartender.




So, hey. They starting to know me at my usual haunts. Anyone up to recommending a card room or drinking hole where old Remy might be lost in the shuffle for a bit?

Sep. 24th, 2012



[!Fail privacy lock to Portia, viewable to all]

No, I did not disappear. I ran away for the weekend to Vegas with Bill. It was the perfect way to spend a weekend but that is not surprising, he is a complete dream. It was pretty amazing.

And no we did not spent our entire weekend in bed. Why do people automatically assume that when you say you went away with the person you are dating? Not that I would objected, why would I? Bill is amazing... He is gorgeous, good at everything he does, treats me right and he is mine.

We did get the entire Vegas experience in though; we got dressed up, went to the casinos, gambled some (I did not even lose all my money), and said why not and got married. You know all the things people assume you did when you said you went to Vegas.

Sep. 23rd, 2012



Electronics malfunctions becoming problematic.


So what the hell is going on in my goddamned bar?

Do I even wanna know?

Sep. 21st, 2012


[Failed Private Lock to Juliet]

I know you don't want any condolences, and I get it. Let me buy you a drink.