
Posts Tagged: 'castiel'

Nov. 7th, 2012



I love the smell of democracy in the morning!

Nov. 1st, 2012



That was unexpected.

Oct. 27th, 2012



Buzz Lightyear to mission log: All signs point to this planet as location of Zurg's fortress, but there seems to be no signs of intelligent life anywhere...

Oct. 21st, 2012



Well hello, Orange County. My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius, I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach and frisky women.

Oh, and being employed. Anyone looking for someone to work for them? I'm a damn good mechanic, I got lots of experience with firearms, and oh yeah– I'm goddamn adorable. ;)




The lack of Rita publication regarding me means I've got a lot of Hell to raise. Luckily? Best time of the year for THAT. First thing's first though, Halloween. I'm thinking Indiana Jones.

Oct. 20th, 2012




Valarnet. Vaaallaarrnet. Good place for online promotion and viral marketing or just a spot to grab cheap porn? Either way, I'm there. Gabriel. I write and direct for TV and if you own a set, or look at Bilboards, you've probably heard of Boardwalk (8:00, Tuesdays) and the ongoing adventures of Holly Go-Heavily, Chloe Patterson, Matt Wentzel, Fabian The Poolboy, and all the others on the beach. Just when you thought it was safe to come OUT of the water.

Anyway. Here to promote the Hell out of this baby, and to say hi to the people I know who've ended up here. Hi Jimmy! I'm back in town after the promo tour, so we should do a thing. My people, your secretary? Let's give them each other's numbers and see what they can put together for us, huh?

Everybody else? Feel free to go ahead and hit me up.

Oct. 14th, 2012



Is this a weekly occurrence?

Oct. 12th, 2012




Post your thoughts on a blog, they said. It'll be good for you, they said.

Oct. 11th, 2012



My staff are encouraging me to choose a Halloween costume to wear to work.

They insist it would be fun.

Oct. 9th, 2012



RSVP here for the Stark Tower Halloween party

Just leave a note, people!

Oct. 8th, 2012



I don't think that was very amusing.

Oct. 7th, 2012



For the last time, the Bake Sale at Nevaeh Falls Elementary School is not selling baked goods made of children. I am not sure who the caller who keeps implying it is, but that sort of false information leads to uncomfortable situations.

It's just baked goods. Like cookies. As the name implies.

Oct. 6th, 2012




These dreams get more and more fascinating. I just wish I could be involved more directly.

Viewing everything from the Normandy gets dull I suppose it's for the best, though. Hardly much of a fighter.

Jul. 20th, 2012




Castiel? Romany? Gandalf? Dani?

Everybody else on this thing? You okay? Anybody NOT okay? Far as I can tell, shop's broken up a lot, and I think the incense display's kind of shot, but once we get the windows replaced and things cleaned up, it oughta be okay.

Mom was here with me doing inventory, and we're both fine. We got a couple cuts, she's got, I think, a broken wrist, but we're okay. Gave her some of the special items I keep under the till until we've got a shot at her being seen for it, and improvised a sling, but stuff's still pretty much okay.

Anybody else?

Jun. 29th, 2012



It never occurred to me to ask you how I might get in touch; it never does, or maybe I just thought it would be too awkward since we barely know eachother.

Maybe you don't remember me, I mean, it's been awhile and I'm sure you're busy, and some crazy guy you met in a hospital elevator is the last person you're going to think much about, but I...

If you could just... I need to...

Are you there, Dean?

Jun. 28th, 2012



...The hell...

Wbat exactly happened to me Tuesday? I remember the caffeine, and I'd picked up extras like I usually do. But then I started hallucinating and my heart was racing and it HURT about a second,and then I woke up in an ambulance, with some dickhead shouting orders about what to do with me and how only family could hitch a ride with them. I GUESS someone was arguing with them about it, and there's about three guesses as to who that was. No seriously about three people from there would try.

And now I'm mostly stuck in a hospital bed, bored, and being told not to move around too much, and hooked up to this stupid monitor that beeps whenever I try to take it off. I also want this oxygen tube OUT of my nose, and the IV's out of my arm. I hate just about all these things, and that, for some reason, I can't access my remote connection to work via my tablet.

The nurses weren't even that happy about letting me post here. They said if I went to the valarnet, there were bound to be more strippers showing up, and that was bad for my heart. I'm going to be here at least a couple of days stabilizing.

Who'd have thought the thing that I love most could be so deadly?

May. 21st, 2012




Reply to this if you've ever spent time in a hospital for mental issues. I'm starting a club. Nutters only may apply. We'll have weekly meetings with tea and cake, as long as we leave a space for my ghost.

May. 20th, 2012



Hey Uh, Castiel?

When you see this, uh. I just want to say thanks. I thought about what you said and maybe I started working with it. Things are getting better. Hope you're okay.

Hey, are you allowed visitors? Cause I'd kind of like to actually meet you after all of this.


May. 19th, 2012



I'm supposed to socialize more. But not with the 'voices' in my head. I keep trying to tell them that most of the time I don't understand what they're saying, but nobody really listens. It's such a tragic part of society these days, nobody listening. Such a shame.

But I don't want them to get angry, so I'm writing this post while the nurse watches; I think she's taking notes on my emotional state. Isn't it funny how when a person is perfectly at peace, something must be wrong with them? I know it seemed bad before, but everything is fine now.

Hello, net.