
Posts Tagged: 'carol+danvers+%28captain+marvel%29'

Apr. 14th, 2014




Has anyone else noticed a wave of those "what [insert the blank here] are you?" quiz results on Facebook? I mean, jeez, if I wanted to know what pasta dish I'd be, I think I could figure that one out on my own.

I'm glad no one posts that sort of thing here. Just dream stuff. And I had more Dreams, so here I am, posting about them.




How is it that Easter has the best candy of all the holidays?


Some days I wonder if I'm making any progress at all. I've been working court rooms now for a while, but occasionally we get a repeat case, and it just makes me wonder if the world is any better because of the system. Do I make any impact at all? My goal is Supreme Court, but that doesn't mean I don't want to make a positive difference in the lives my cases effect. Maybe today I just need a break they said, but I can't take a break. I have court in an hour.

Apr. 8th, 2014




Can anyone else here fly? I want to go, but I want to bring someone and the husband's busy.

Apr. 2nd, 2014




Sixteen again. This is actually really fun, especially making out hanging out with Jess. I was pretty focused as a teen before.

Hey! I remember something!




This is pretty fun.

Mar. 12th, 2014




Saving New York has some perks. They gave me the Statue of Liberty as a home base after my apartment was destroyed.

Since the feds won't let tourists up there any more.

Granted I still have to pay rent.

But Statue of Liberty! Take that Captain America.

Mar. 10th, 2014




Feel better than I have in awhile. Still not 100% but at least I'm trying.

Mar. 9th, 2014




I just realized something. I haven't had a "DREAM" in weeks. Anyone else get long breaks from them?

Mar. 5th, 2014




Hello. I'm Terra. It's nice to meet everyone. I figured that joining this social network thing was probably a good idea. And a fun way to meet people. As long as you're careful about who you talk to, I suppose.

Someone tell me something interesting about themselves.

Mar. 4th, 2014




At least I understand why I made the choice I did that cost me my memory, if my dream self makes any sense.




Spring is a really busy time at the Ranch. Not only do we grow a lot of the crops that are used to feed the kids here, but we've also got baby livestock everywhere and now we've even got a baby Eopie to play with.

Remission came right on time, when you think about it. I've had about a month to recover some strength and some weight and I feel like I'm really ready to handle all of this. I just wish I could shake these feelings of foreboding I keep having.

If anybody's curious, the half-inch of hair that's grown back is coming in a sort of mahogany brown instead of black. There's auburn highlights when the sun hits it certain ways.

Feb. 22nd, 2014




Ragnarok. hmm. Fascinating end, truly.




So, because I'm an awesome person, I've come up with Soundtrack to Volcanopocalypse '14. You're welcome, people with shitty musical tastes. I figure if you're out whupping ass, this can help with adrenaline, or if you're at home, hey, music's good.

Just links, but there's a few. Mun is clearly mental. This was far too easy for me to do. )

Yeah, just sorta put some of that in your earholes. You're welcome.

Feb. 18th, 2014



Garment grids? Okay, that's the stupidest freakin' thing I've ever heard. Dreams, you are drunk, stop being in my head.

Baaaaasicaally I dream I can get awesome new superpowers by using this garment grid thing. And changing clothes. I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but WHO GETS SUPERPOWERS WITH NEW CLOTHES?

Oh that's right. I do.

I need more spheres - memories of people that they record on actual spherical things - but eventually I'll be able to do magical outfit changes like Superman only way more weird looking.

Derek, stop laughing.

Feb. 3rd, 2014



Blocked from Jess

I still don't remember anything. I remember what people tell me but that's about it. But I started having some weird dreams.

I don't know what to tell Jess. I'm attracted to her but I can't...remember.




Well, those dreams took a weird turn. I mean, when we're a group of superheroes going after a deranged lunatic from another world, you expect things to be strange. I wasn't exactly prepared for an alien invasion.

For a while there, I didn't even think we'd win but Tony went and I guess I under estimated my team. Truth be told, I'm sad to see us all go seperate ways. But I get the distinct feeling that it's not the last of The Avengers.

Feb. 2nd, 2014




Football = Stupid

But beer is good.

Jan. 21st, 2014




Does anyone on this network know me? I'm having... Well I need to fill in a lot of gaps in my memory.

Jan. 16th, 2014




Anyone ever get fed up with a situation and decide to just push through to the end, no matter how painful it gets?

Jan. 8th, 2014




Because I need a head count for my own, personal reasons... raise your hand if you've had a Dream, and if you're acquainted with me in said Dream.

Jan. 5th, 2014




I don't want to alarm any of you, but I think I may have joined the Dreamer Club.

Jan. 3rd, 2014



In my dream, I was asked to be part of the Avengers by Captain America. How nice.

I am so glad that we're not living on the east coast. They're buried by snow over there. No thank you.

Dec. 20th, 2013



[Locked from Non-Puncturable Marvel Muses]

Cut for image. Safe for all. )

Is it too late to put this on my Christmas wishlist?

Dec. 12th, 2013



I'm not really a Christmas person exactly. However I will admit that I miss England during the winter months. It's not the same. It was 80 today. And I was wearing shorts.

There should be snow and hot chocolate and all sorts of things.

Not that I want to go to the East Coast. I should stop complaining.

What's everyone's plan for New Years? Anything good?

Nov. 24th, 2013



Planning weddings is hard. I mean half of this stuff, I just don't care about. But it has to be done. Why are there like a million shades of white? When did that become a thing?

Is it thanksgiving yet? I just want to stuff my face full of food and then sleep for the rest of the day.

Nov. 9th, 2013




Required immediately: entertainment.

Tell me a joke!
Suggest some music!
Send me a picture! (nudes totally acceptable, thx)

I might get bored.

You wouldn't like me when I'm bored.

Nov. 6th, 2013



You'll be pleased to know (I hope) that Carol and I are getting married.

I don't know when or where or anything, but we kind of both proposed to each other. And now we're getting married.

Nov. 5th, 2013




I slept in my cessna last night. It wasn't on purpose, I was working on it and fell asleep.

Oct. 23rd, 2013




Ah really am gettin' sick o' these dreams. Well at least now ah know why there seem ta be a few people who don't like me much around here...

Oct. 11th, 2013



Blocked from Jessica

What do you do when you're not sure if news is good or bad but you really need to tell someone and they might freak out?

Oct. 9th, 2013




And now the little bastards are trying to get me to do things. Is anyone else experiencing this? I was out at the grocery store minding my own business and about 8 other people's when the narrative bubbles I've been dealing with decided to tell me that I was going to grab at some innocent man's behind.

I mean, it was a choice behind, but I'm not crazy enough to do what the voices tell me to. Not yet, anyway. I assume it takes a few more years living in Orange County to be that insane.

You know, the irony of this is that I'm beginning to understand that living in Kirkwall wasn't really any more of a sane choice. What is wrong with that city?

Oct. 6th, 2013




Woke with another nosebleed. Pretty sure I should get that looked at but scans tend to not work with me. I should probably take dream!doc's advise and not fly.

Yeah, probably not.

Oct. 2nd, 2013




Ah had another set of Dreams...

Ah... Ah don't even... Ah... can't...

Ah need a drink. And ta punch someone in the face. Or drink myself into oblivion. Ah was an awful person in mah dreams.

Filter: Gin
Can ah come hide out in yer spare room for a few days? Raven reminds me much of the woman in mah dreams and a h can't look at her right now without twitching...

Sep. 16th, 2013




For those who do not know, and those who are curious, I will be wedding the love of my life, one Natasha Romanoff, this Saturday, September the 21st, in a public-ish ceremony at [venue, at time]. Be polite, be respectful, and be welcome on this day of celebration.

The weather will be, I guarantee, quite delightful.

(ooc: Since I am fail as a mun, if your muse knows Thor, they likely got an invitation already, hand written and engraved.)

Sep. 14th, 2013




Dreams can officially fuck off.




Woke up with a nose bleed. What new fuckery are the dreams giving me now?

Sep. 11th, 2013



There is nothing in the world like looking at the new life you've created, and seeing its numerous complicated parts all working together to make it move. It's brain, still barely programmed tries to fulfill a simple command while you hold your breath.

Then, success! It drills a perfect hole. That hole may be a foot higher than you specified, but it is a good hole, nonetheless.




Hospital food sucks and Shepard's one of the worst patients I've ever seen. Thank God for Angry Birds, I guess, or I'd be going completely insane.

I don't even want to think about the mileage I've put on my car traveling back and forth between the ranch and the hospital.

Have you had to deal with three flying cats and a squirrel with laser beams that can bench press a horse? Believe me, you don't want to. This week can be over any time now.




I was going to advertise, but things are weird again, so I'll wait. Instead, I have a question.

Anyone know how to house hunt? I'm terrible at this. I think I need a bigger place.


So I've not been here for very long, still sorta settling in and trying to get my bearings, but I'm unpacked at least. I knew California was going to be different from Arizona, the weather is more tolerable for one thing, less sand which is even better. But I'm starting to think that my expectations might have been a little off. It's not as, uh, normal as I would have expected.

Maybe normal isn't exactly the right word, less odd, maybe? I don't know, I'm not sure, but it's certainly not what I expected.

Sep. 7th, 2013




Anyone ever really want to punch someone through a wall? But you can't because it's not really their fault you want to punch them. Or at least they haven't remembered yet.

Asking for a friend.




Well then. Ah think ah've had enough of these dreams everyone been talking about already. Ah could have done with out them.

Aug. 19th, 2013



I'm working part time at the lab and have decided to try bounty hunting. Like in my dreams. Is that weird? That's probably weird.

Also, I fucking hate Skrulls. They can all die a piss horrible death.

If Skrull!me ever did anything awful to you in a dream, I sincerely apologize. I hope I get to put that awful bitch in her place.

Aug. 12th, 2013




And I just got fired. Just like in my dreams. For the same reason.

u8 rjvarkldjadrqrmjkl~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's my forehead hitting the keyboard.

Aug. 11th, 2013




Well, I must say that I'm very glad I missed this latest shenanigan. It would have been quite hard to do my Bar Exam if I had been in another body. And can I just say that I'm really glad that is over with for now? I can't believe I have to sit and wait until November to find out if I passed or not. I understand why it takes so long since there's SO many of us taking the test, but come on.

This now means that I can go out and have some fun. What's going on that I should go do on this lovely Sunday? Or hell, even this week. I need to get out and away from my books.




I am very, very glad to be back in my own body. This was a weird week, and I'm really glad it's over. Today is a nice day to spend sleeping, and tonight, well, I think it might be a good time to hang out on the beach, I think.

Aug. 10th, 2013



Hey, it could've been worse. This whole bodyswap thing could've happened during the school year.

I guess after being murdered and all ghostly, not much phases me. No matter how shitty it gets, it can always get way, way shittier.




I have discovered a hot spring spa in my travels. Which reminds me very much of the baths on Tatooine. I'm doubt I'll be letting them wrap me in mud and cellophane any time soon, but the mineral water is very relaxing.

Aug. 9th, 2013




Managed to break the microwave today, and then fix it. Being able to spotweld on demand is pretty damn handy.