
Posts Tagged: 'amy+pond'

Mar. 25th, 2013



Spring break is coming up! I can't tell you guys how excited I am for a break from homework. I'm SO excited, in fact, that I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with the time off.





Those who can recognise people from their dreams are intensely lucky. I... seem to be alone.

There's the Doctor. The TARDIS. The wonderful adventures. But when I wake, I see nothing of that world. At least this means no Mr Sin Maybe that is for the best.




Everyone's always talking on here about the dreams. And for the longest time, that's what I assumed they were... nothing but dreams. But now I'm not so sure anymore. They just seem... I don't know. Too real? Almost as if it's something I've already lived through? It doesn't make a lot of sense.

What threw me was how people from here were in the dreams too. I figured it was because you dream about people you've met, or talked to. But I know things about these people that you'd never tell a stranger. I've done things with them and shared experiences that no one would ever believe.

Here and now, I work for a video game company: Bad Wolf Interactive. But even that name was in my dreams. A certain person IS the Bad Wolf. And she scattered that phrase through space and time, always turning up in the places the three of us travelled to. It gets stranger though. Because of her, I died and was permanently brought back to life. The Doctor said I was "a fact"... a "fixed point in space and time" which means I can never die. In the dreams, there's always people dying... never me. And in the end, no one else from the dreams is there... just Gwen Cooper. Somehow, it always comes down to me and her being the last two standing.

Speaking of space and time, travelling through it was something I did even before climbing into the TARDIS. In my dreams, I was a Time Agent. I grew up in the 51st Century. I spoke with an American accent all the time, instead of my normal British one. And all of it's so completely out of the ordinary that it's not even close to the life I have here.

I feel like I'm starting to lose my mind.

Mar. 23rd, 2013




I've been following the Net for the past few weeks, trying to see if anyone has had a similar experience to mine. I'm having a bit of an identity crisis, to be honest, about my dreams.

I've dreamed some more since John told me who what I truly am. Seen so much more of the universe, time and space. I think I've finally come to believe it.

I am the TARDIS. Time and Relative Dimension in Space, Build Site: Gallifrey Blackhole Shipyard, Type 40 Build Date: 1963. Companion to the Doctor forever, his ship and his friend all at once. I am the soul of the TARDIS.

How is that for weird?

Mar. 15th, 2013




Working a shift at the hospital. A few of the nurses just burst out into a chorus line. I think they're doing the Can-Can.

This is not the first time I've seen this happen today. I think there's something weird going on here, again. I don't know if it's my place to order MRIs on the nurses, though.

This definitely is not normal.
Send help.

Mar. 14th, 2013



We're feeling a gingers-only karaoke night! Who'll come??

EDIT: TONIGHT. HUNTINGTON BEACH [address] We're STUMBLIN' HOME tonight, mates!

Mar. 12th, 2013




I hate it when a really good song comes on the radio just add I'm pulling into a parking space. I'm almost always late, so I don't have time to sit and listen to it.

Feb. 25th, 2013




Hello, I'm Sybil. I've just moved here from England. Still jet-lagged, I think. I wish we'd had more time in New York on the way in, though. I would've loved to see the Statue of Liberty up close.

How far are we from the Golden Gate Bridge?

Feb. 19th, 2013




You can duplicate the Doctor, but you can't really duplicate the Doctor. Shocked I didn't know him from him. Then again, I didn't know me from me, either.

Turns out I was fake. A duplicate of myself, hidden because the real me was pregnant.




I've had some more of those dreams. Last night, Nine and Rose (that was her name, I know her name now) were in 10 Downing Street. With weird aliens that could hide in human skin, unzipping themselves. Slitheen. That's what they were called. I knew everything about them, and yet I was learning so much more.

They were kind of... Well, gross. To be honest.

They tried to take over the Earth, forcefully. We stopped them. As we do, right?

I look forward to seeing more.

On a completely separate note: Messages to Tink, Billy, Amy and Tara's NPC Colleagues (MESSAGE BACKDATED TO FEBRUARY 13) )

Feb. 18th, 2013




Time travel is a really, really freaky thing.

Feb. 14th, 2013




Happy Valentine's Day. Don't really get this holiday. All the pink. Bleh. But chocolate is good. Did our photoshoots for the holiday back before Christmas, so I'm over it. We're shooting summer ads now.

[Private to Team TARDIS (all Doctors, all companions, etc.)]
Dunno what you've got planned for the weekend, but I thought maybe we could have a get-together. Talk about the dreams, and stuff?

Feb. 12th, 2013




Any of you Team Tardis lot have a metal dog? Sounds like a cute robot? Named K-9?




Now that just makes no fucking sense at all. Just woke up from a dream where I was in World War I. There's no way that can be related to my other dreams. I mean, how could it possibly be related? The dreams in Bristol took place in the present, or not so distant past, and World War I was a really fucking long time ago. That had to have been a regular dream then. Nothing more.

I feel like I should go out and get pissed. Yes, I think I'm going to do that.

Feb. 9th, 2013




I think I make a pretty amazing pirate.

Feb. 7th, 2013




I dreamed about crazy aliens that no one could remember when they weren't looking at them. And I met President Nixon. It was... interesting.

Feb. 6th, 2013




It's so strange getting these dreams out of order. I watched Rory die. And be erased from existence. And I forgot him. I forgot all about him.

It was a little confusing when I woke up sobbing, and found Rory right there by my side.

Feb. 5th, 2013




Rapid fire. Had another one last night, too. Bizarre. This time I was in the TARDIS by myself. The Doctor was on the earth, sharing a flat with someone... Being in the TARDIS by myself was certainly an experience, that's for sure. She wouldn't land--couldn't land... not sure.

Anyway, strange that I got two in a row after not having any dreams for a while.

Feb. 4th, 2013




I had a strange dream.

Tell me more about the Blue Box.




I was pregnant in my dream last night. Well, half of my dream last night. Turns out it wasn't real. Not really real.

Weird because I dreamed about dreaming. And it was a real dream about dreaming.



I am bored. Right this second.
Someone needs to remedy this.
First brilliant suggestion gets the really awesome reward of my super fun company for the day.

Feb. 2nd, 2013




Okay, so... three picture frames in my house have broken glass. And some books fell off the shelf. Must have happened sometime over night, I think, since I definitely didn't leave a mess in my living room before I went to bed. Rory? You didn't knock things over in your sleep, did you?

Did I miss an earthquake?

[ooc: plot!]

Jan. 12th, 2013




Move to America, they said.
It's a land of opportunities and wonder, they said.
California is where you want to be if you want to make it, they said.

They forgot to mention the terrible death plague and blue people -- who are, apparently, not in a band.


Hello, quarantined sick people. I'm new here, and I'm sorry. I am so sorry, but I'm not leaving my hotel room for any kind of adventure in the near future.




Well, Mexico's safe and we're not going to see another "End of the World" phenomenon for a while. The Doctor and I had a blast drinking margaritas and sleeping on beaches though.

Here's proof we didn't try to kill each other. )

Looks like we missed out on a horrible plague or something too. I just got home, but I think I'll stay there. Going out right now seems like a bad idea.

I would have texted sooner, but I forgot my phone charger at home. It was hell being in another country without any connection to you to the outside world, believe me. Though it's nothing compared to the hell that's broken lose back home. Are you okay? You're not sick, are you?




The Ponds are at the hospital. I'd say come and visit us, but only if you want to get trapped here. Apparently, everything's in lock-down because of the quarantine.

But we're both still alive. Cranky as all get-out, but we're here. And I'm running out of crossword puzzles. It counts if you just write "O" in all the squares, right?

Jan. 3rd, 2013




And I thought my last dream was strange.

This time? Killer robots on a sandminer. The Doctor sorted it all out, though. Just like always.

At least I got to kick that idiot with the ridiculous hat.

Dec. 24th, 2012




Some how I was able to pull the lucky straw and get Christmas off. That is the best present anyone can give me. You wouldn't believe how busy emergency rooms can be on the holidays... That being said, I hope everyone enjoys their families, friends, and holidays.

Dec. 19th, 2012




As fascinating as the snow anomaly was - less so to drive in - I must ask if anyone experiencing any dream-related phenomena has had any recollection of any organizations styled in a somewhat military manner, that involved space exploration.

Dec. 17th, 2012




I got to meet Winston Churchill in my dream last night. Brilliant, right?

It's about time to go drinking and dancing again. I've got things to celebrate.

Dec. 16th, 2012




I feel like I should ask this.

Does anyone else dream of a man called the Doctor? He's... strange. Alien. Travels in a strange blue box that makes the sound of the universe... mine has a scarf, longer than he is tall, and surprisingly good skills with a crossbow. Because apparently, there's more than one of him

Dec. 15th, 2012




I've returned to Orange County, laddies and lassies! Thanks in part to the notoriety involving a certain space adventure...and breaking up with my then girlfriend...I went home to Scotland for a wee while. It was there that I was tapped on the shoulder by Irn Bru (power drink of the universe and most excellent rust removal agent) to do a commercial and bring back a lifetime supply. I also went back because I had to visit my dear auld maw in hospital after she nearly exploded her aorta. She'll survive the latest heart attack and they've warned her off fatty foods...but we all know how that'll go.

I told her to stop bursting with pride over her son's accomplishments. I do feel bad for saying it. I'm horrible. I know it. And...that's why I'm bringing you horrible holiday things! Because if it's already horrible, then it cannae get any worse!

So? Did I miss anything?

Dec. 6th, 2012




I need some legal advice. Is it possible for me to get out of my lease? I got married yesterday and need to move in with MY HUSBAND.

Dec. 3rd, 2012





Favorite Christmas Song?

I'm compiling a collection for my ipod to play at work. I'm sick of Bing Crosby and Peggy Lee. How about some more modern songs? It's like the last fifty years of Christmas Music didn't exist to some radio stations. What's up with that?

Dec. 2nd, 2012




It's odd how suddenly having free time on your hands can make for a weird mood. Being on medical leave from work, and having to take it easy, period, makes life odd when you're used to being active. There's a sense of wrongness to not being able to work out right or run, or all the little things that I'm used to doing.

I sense that I'll be reading a whole lot more this couple of weeks. Anyone have any recommendations? As I've not read much lately due to work, I am open to anything, really.




...My hair...

...They took my hair...

I can't...

Nov. 30th, 2012




It was suggested by a colleague that I am in "dire" need of what is commonly known as a "social life." I was therefore directed to register to this network and to attempt to communicate with the local population, in search of what was deemed "fun" activities.

While I could not comprehend the precise reasoning behind a such a random recommendation, I do have in my possession more than one computer in my residence. I decided that one screen could potentially be devoted to monitoring the network for anything considered...social.

I will accept any recommendations, within reason. Having resided here in previous years, I am still familiar enough with the area to navigate from my point of origin to any destination in question.

Nov. 29th, 2012




So everybody on this is crazy yeah? Is it contagious?

I'm not sure it would go down well if I turned up to my new job on Monday and was completely mental. I'd like to at least ease into it.

Nov. 27th, 2012




I almost became a weeping angel last night. That one was pretty terrifying.

Nov. 26th, 2012




I'm finally able to tell everyone the big news that I've known for a while: I've landed a contract to design lingerie for Victoria's Secret. Soon you will be able purchase my designs in malls across America. I am, of course, keeping my shop, but at the same time, I'm thrilled to go national.


Alright, found a link on a friend's Facebook of Michiru. Don't know if any of you have ever heard of her, or seen her, but her music is fantastic. Amazing violinist. I mean, I'm no music major, but I do happen to listen to plenty and my mother knew a lot about--nevermind.

All I know is it's fantastic, and even more so? Michiru is absolutely beautiful as well. New favorite musician, potentially woman as well. I've been listening to her stuff for a few days now, and I can say without a doubt I love her. Remarkable.

I'd give my Playstation 3 to meet this girl (you have no idea how much that PS3 means to me? So, you know, it's a big deal.).




owwww I think I broke my ass

For the record, it's ridiculously difficult to ice your bottom.

Nov. 25th, 2012




The worst thing about ordering things online is the wait. OH GOD THE WAIT. C'mon new computer parts, get here already! Curse the postal services for not running on weekends!

I miss instant gratification. But it's so tedious to go shopping in a real store. Especially at this time of year.

Nov. 23rd, 2012




Pie day was the best day. Ever.

That is all.

Nov. 20th, 2012




Anyone else dreaming about a crazy, space whale that refuses to eat children?

Yeah, you don't realize how bad space whale vomit smells until you get a little dunk in it.

Nov. 19th, 2012





What life is like.

What life should be like.

If you disagree, you are wrong.




Happy Turkey Week, everyone!

I'm starin' ta love this holiday.

Nov. 18th, 2012



[Locked to Team TARDIS]

I do hate awfully to be a bother, but Rose has been asleep literally the entire weekend and no part of that seems normal to me.

Any thoughts? Suggestions? Yes, I already tried water, shouting, loud music and true love's kiss so don't bother with those.

Nov. 15th, 2012




This will be my first Thanksgiving in the states. I'm really looking forward to eating all the turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce that my pants can hold without bursting a button.

Or maybe with bursting a button. Gotta live it up, right?

Nov. 12th, 2012




Aliens over death valley? Okay. This is one alien conspiracy I can get behind.

Research mode activate.

Nov. 11th, 2012




I don't think I've ever been so hungry or anxious in my entire life. It's been almost twelve hours since I've put anything in my stomach and there's still several to go before they put me under. I feel like an addict coming down off a high. And there's this lad who keeps walking by the window shoveling pudding down his throat and I just want to wrap my hands around his neck and strangle him until--- some. And you want to know the worst part? They have me hooked up to this IV bag and I'm pissing every half hour and I'm not even drinking anything!

I don't mean to complain. I know there are people in the world that can't eat because they don't have food to eat-

No, I am complaining. I'm complaining a lot.

I'm fucking hungry.