
Posts Tagged: 'allison+argent'

Oct. 23rd, 2015





Too many pumpkins? Nah, can never have too many pumpkins right? )

Oct. 16th, 2015




Bored. Me and Tippy are gonna go up in the Squirrel-A-Gig and find a fancy house that doesn't have anyone around it and borrow their pool. Anyone else wanna come with?

Oct. 8th, 2015




The hits keep coming. My grandfather was the one who killed the boy who was stalking me, but not to keep me safe or for any reasons you might be thinking of. Unless you're thinking that it was to gain control of my stalker's were-lizard. Then you would be correct.

Oct. 5th, 2015




Well, I don't know who, but my stalker was drowned by someone in my dreams last night. They're getting more morbid by the second.

Sep. 18th, 2015




You know how when you say "Things can't possibly get worse" that things really do get worse? I feel awful for my dream self. I was almost killed by my stalker. You know what his final words to me were? "Allison, if I can't have you, no one can." It's almost cheesy, but somehow manages to be terrifying.

Sep. 17th, 2015




I was looking for a peaceful sleep but now I am too stressed.

Hawaii is under a tsunami watch, because of an earthquake that happened in Chile. It's said to hit around 3am. I worry for my parents...

Guess I will just find something to watch on Netflix and text with my parents until I know they are okay.

Sep. 15th, 2015




That seemingly sweet photographer I went on a platonic date with? Stalking me. There were all sorts of pictures of me on his camera. I can hardly believe it. I've had my blinds closed all day. The creepiness bled into my waking hours. So weird. So creepy.

Sep. 11th, 2015




I'm ready for classes to start back up again. Perhaps teaching will give me the inspiration I need to get back into writing.

Sep. 3rd, 2015




More dreams. I went on a date with the seemingly sweet photographer, but it was kind of a front. I feel bad for going on a date with him without even really liking him in that way. I mean, this is all in dreams so I'm not sure I should feel guilty about any of it, but it just feels so real, you know?




It seems that once again I find myself in need of staff. I don't know why it's so hard to keep them. People don't care about the environment as much as they should. Now, what on Earth are you going to do if you run out of water because of your silly green lawns and need to buy water in bottles. I swear, you people have no sense of self-preservation what so ever!

But maybe I should be looking up rather than to trying to change such silly little minds. I dreamed of a planet with an orange sky at night. Certainly wasn't Earth, I'll tell you that. Red grass, trees with silver leaves, maybe I'd do better to try to be getting to there.

Aug. 24th, 2015




Okay, I prefer to eat my calories and not drink them, but Starbucks has this mocha coconut frappucino and I'm officially hooked. You get coconut shavings on top of the whipped cream. I'm really going to need this spinning class. So, fellow dreamers, what's your guilty pleasure food/drink?

Aug. 23rd, 2015




You know those times when you get an urge to do something, but you're not quite sure what you want to do?

What do you guys do when you get bored? I need ideas.

Aug. 14th, 2015




Someone stopped me today in line for coffee to tell me my hair was nice. I didn't even do anything special to it. Are there just people out there on a secret mission to brighten people's days with random compliments?

Aug. 5th, 2015




I'm sure that there are going to be some people who might find this of interest.

But honestly, fear of the dead rising to life is a fundamental and universal human fear.

Jul. 26th, 2015



[Filtered Away from the Pevensies]

I am getting married on Saturday and I can't lie that it makes me nervous.

I know that I can talk to my fiance and his sisters about all the nerves, but I kind of just need reassurance from someone that isn't involved.

Any words of encouragement/reassurance that things will be okay?

I love him, and we've been together almost 10 years...I'm definitely ready to be married to him, so why do I feel like this?

Jul. 21st, 2015




I met a nice guy in my dreams last night. A photographer, kind of shy-ish. His name was Matt. Knowing my dreams he'll probably turn out to be a dragon or some other supernatural creature. Nothing is ever as it seems in my dreams.

Jul. 15th, 2015




It seems that things are going missing. My boyfriend's dog is missing...

However, I have had stuff show up. Lacrosse gear, that has my last name on it, and a tablet that I recognize from my dreams. My best friend had me find some missing footage from a video...certainly, wasn't the kind of footage I was expecting.

It would explain a few things, though...that happened in my dreams.

Jul. 11th, 2015




So hey guys. My name is Owen, I'm with the Wildlife Waystation. We rescue and rehabilitate exotic animals, usually from 'pet owners' who think it'd be cool to own a tiger and don't realize what a dumb idea that is.

Anyway, I heard this was a good way to connect with people, and I figured hey, I can't spend all my time with mountain lions, right?

Though most of my free time is taken up with my babies at home. They were born with spinal issues, so I'm taking care of them and raising them until they're well enough to be on their own at the Waystation.

Say hi to the kiddos! )

Jul. 9th, 2015




Alright. Share your go to song for singing while you exercise. This is mine. I totally do the whistle, too.

Jul. 6th, 2015




I know some of you might be looking for a gym to work out at. I work at [gym name] in Anaheim. There are a couple of spots open in my spinning class, if you're interested in cardio.

Jun. 20th, 2015




Somehow, a break-up in dreams seems just as real as a break-up in real life. This is so weird. I really care about this guy in my dreams, but I feel like I can't trust him and what's a relationship without trust? I wish I could have more happier dreams.

Jun. 11th, 2015




Okay, totally don't care if it makes me seem like a big kid, but I'm way too excited to see Jurassic World. I got my ticket for tomorrow evening. Yeah, I know, the science behind it is kind of whack, but it's what made me first interested in going into science as a profession. I mean seriously, how totally cool is the thought that DNA from millions of years ago could be extracted from a mosquito preserved in amber and you could recreate animals long extinct?? As a scientist, I thinks that's totally fucking cool! Even if somewhat ill-advised because we all know what happens when you get a pack of velociraptors together, right?

And we totally don't need a T-Rex marching down the street either. ...even as cool as that may be. In theory, obviously.

Jun. 10th, 2015




The weather has been great. How have you guys been enjoying it?

Jun. 4th, 2015




I have never held a bow before in my entire life, but somehow in my dreams I'm an expert. Maybe I should pick up a new hobby or something.

Jun. 3rd, 2015




So, it's late, and I was reading, cause that's what I do when I can't sleep.

I love quotes.

What are your favorite quotes from books or movies?

Right now, I am loving John Green. "As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep, slowly, and then all at once."

Tell me yours. Keep me up all night.

May. 24th, 2015




I feel like I'm losing my mind.

How could they reference loving me? They didn't know me before now.


I was born nearly a thousand years ago.

May. 21st, 2015




For my money, there's nothing quite as therapeutic as soundly kicking someone's ass.

Kitty, more training, please. Logan, you'd have been very, very proud of me.

May. 18th, 2015




I met a very handsy guy at the gym today. No, it wasn't the good kind of handsy. I'm not even sure there is a good kind of handsy. The bottom line is that I go to the gym to work and work out, not to be man-handled.

May. 14th, 2015




Why the hell are college applications so expensive? I'm submitting it electronically, you literally don't even have to do anything to get it. Stupid schools. This had better be worth it.

May. 12th, 2015




Hey Cali. I missed you.




I had the strangest dream last night. I was a toddler again and my dad was taking apart and cleaning a gun in front of me. He talked me through it, step by step. I don't think that's ever happened in real life, but the dream was so vivid I could almost believe that it was an actual memory.

May. 10th, 2015




I know I'm new to this network, but happy Mother's Day! I was on the phone with my mother for an hour. I'm still not sure how we managed it. She's not a very emotional woman. I sent her a nice floral arrangement and she said she received it. For such a no-frills person she really does seem to enjoy flowers.

I can't believe I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Allison Argent. Hi.

Nov. 20th, 2014




If any of my friends don't have anywhere to go on Thanksgiving I'm hosting dinner at a Taste of Home - just let me know how many are coming so I cook enough. There will be vegetarian options, too. I'm looking forward to it even if I'm just cooking for me and the two others I know are coming.

Nov. 15th, 2014




This might be the weirdest sentence I've ever typed out.

I'm proud to say that I'm not a pet turtle. That is all.

Nov. 12th, 2014




I have two wine coolers and no class tomorrow. Ladies only need apply.

Nov. 11th, 2014




So, werewolves coming back from the dead are a thing now. Actual zombie werewolves.

Also, has anyone ever heard of a kanima? Some kind of giant lizard-human hybrid with claws that paralyzes people with goo?

I would say FML but it's not actually my life yet.





Does anyone ever feel like they were ridiculously under-prepared when it came to the Dreams? Like there were things you should have been told but weren't?

Nov. 10th, 2014




As it turns out it is impossible to say no to your younger sister.

Personally I think that I’m doing just fine socially. If any my sister would take my word for it. I don’t know if she would know if I didn’t do this. Nah, I’m not risking it.

I’ve decided to do as she asked and start to socialize. Alright, here I go. I'm James Barnes. All of you can call me Bucky, everyone else does. Originally from Brooklyn but I’ve been in Orange County for a couple of months. I’m still settling in but I'm liking it so far.

Nov. 7th, 2014



Happy Birthday to the BAE.

So, since I'm the embarrassing boyfriend, I'm posting a Happy Birthday post to my bae where all his friends and family can see it.

This is the cake I got him. Cute, right?

Also, I'm posting a picture that I'd promised I deleted. I know it looks like he's holding up one of those lame peace signs but he's really got his whole hand out and is trying to shove my phone away. It just came out weird in the cropping.

Oct. 27th, 2014




Since Stiles hasn't convinced me to dress up for Halloween (and to answer any other requests preemptively -- no, I'm not going to, end of story), he's compromised by getting a costume for my dog.

Weirdly enough, Thor seems to like it.




The number of times young children ask if I am a vampire increases exponentially during the month of October.

The perils of being a well dressed Eastern European, I suppose.

Oct. 23rd, 2014




No more Dreams for me anymore. We're into the Nightmares. I don't even know what I saw. I screamed and everything just
What is happening? Why couldn't it have stayed the way it was?




I've been thinking about it for a while, and one thing I miss doing is fencing. I thought I saw that there was someone on here who was a fencing instructor. Any chance we could talk if there is?

[Family & Friends]

So I want to dress up this year, even if it's just to pass out candy. I just can't think of what to dress as. I kind of don't want to do anything scary, and nothing with a mask. Anyone have any ideas?

Oct. 22nd, 2014




Do kids still go trick or treating?




One more hour and this shift is over. Then I get to go home and do some reading and homework. I have an exciting night ahead of me.




It's funny how working out in the morning can make a girl look at her life a little differently. Just taking that half hour to get some exercise in, go for a jog and do some sit-ups, gives a look at things from another angle.

I needed it, after the Dreams last night.

Now I have some phone calls to make.




It looks like a Halloween store vomited all over my porch.

Oct. 20th, 2014




The deal is that I get to veto any Halloween costume ideas that I find to be inappropriate for a twelve year old. Not sure about this Monster High business. I'll have to do a bit more research before I can give an answer to that one.

Why is it that young girls' costumes just keep getting smaller and smaller?

Oct. 16th, 2014



Filtered away from family*

How do you deal with learning your dream self is a monster?

[*Derek Hale, Cora Hale, Lydia Martin]

Oct. 15th, 2014




Home Depot run (I bought new paint for you Lina, same color okay I hope?), shopped for booze to bribe workers with, bought myself a new wall color for my room. Today's starting out interesting. I forgot how much I missed this kind of interesting.


Then starting on an elderberry pie for one Dean Winchester, and more treats for my good friends. Today I think is going to be productive!