
July 30th, 2021




Well...my father finally managed to do it. He convinced my mum to allow him to train one of her Rottweiler puppies as a hunting dog. She didn't give in on the dog sleeping outside so now all of their dogs, hunting or pets sleep in the house. Every inch of their house is covered in dog hair and I actually need to figure out how to get Aslan and Chip with us for the next visit so they can join in the chaos.




Zelda and Pan have finally decided on their favorite spot to lay in the sun at the house - the window in the bunns room. I think it's so they can be with their sisters but it could also be because George lets Pan use her as a pillow.




I just do not understand people some days. Do they really think that it's okay to stand in the space between two lines at a grocery store and claim that they're in both so that they can be the next customer checked out? That's not how lines are supposed to work! You get in one and that's the one you're in. And then you wait your turn. If you picked the slower one? Then you hope and pray that the other cashier gets through her line quickly and calls you over to them.

And no if any of you were wondering - it was not someone around my age who did this. It was a senior citizen.