
April 26th, 2021




Has anyone else ever walked into their apartment to find their significant other vacuuming, but they're wearing a hoodie backwards with one of your pets in the hood like a weird kangaroo pouch? Because that's exactly how I found Armin and Mopsy today. And apparently he does this all the time, and I'm worried for no reason?




I never thought that parenthood would consist of telling my kids pouring catnip into the water bowl so our cat can have tea time was a bad idea, but that was my day today.

So, parents of Orange County, what is your moment of "nothing prepared me for this weird part of parenthood"?




Tiktok changed the max time for videos from 60 seconds to three minutes. And I'm not sure if I'm annoyed with the change, or if it means I get to be creative with future videos. Because honestly, for me? Getting what I wanted into the time limit was part of the creative process.