
April 6th, 2021




I was watching the muppets this morning and had the most bizarre thought.

But Olaf (the talking snowman I created in my Dreams) and Gonzo would get along great! They have a similar view on life. Olaf is kind of a philosopher snowman.




Superstorms and hostage situations. Always a fun time. But hey, at least I was the inside man, and even though I did get caught eventually, I didn't get hurt for once. And there were no Wraith involved in this adventure, which is a nice change of pace.




It's been a bit since I had any dreams. Last one dealt with me taking out my enemies. This one? Has me becoming chief of my tribe and them practically worshipping me like a goddess. I'm not sure how I feel about that.




I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Took a little longer than I expected, but I finally had another dream. Always a funtime when my real life girlfriend tries to get me killed in the dreams. Dream Murphy didn't even deserve it this time!




Joy of joys, there's a new werewolf in town, in my dreams. He got arrested and the Argents sent a goon dressed up like a deputy to the station with wolfsbane, only he didn't count on us meddling kids getting in the way. It could have been a lot worse than it was, but these dreams are so freaking exhausting.




So dream me is maintaining this blackmail the cop thing. I just have a really bad feeling about that. But it's not like I can sit my dream self down and have a chat. All I can do is wait and see how it plays out. Even if I have a feeling it's all going to blow up in my face.