
February 27th, 2021




I finally understand pet owners. Why they always have so many pictures of their pets. I was looking through my pictures just now and realized that the majority of my camera reel is BB-8. They’re all almost identical, but I realized that I find myself taking pictures of him randomly every couple of days. When did I become such a droid dad?




Business has been off the charts this past weekend. Which is awesome. I'm gonna have to hire more staff if this keeps up. Definitely not complaining. Now that Posey and the boys are out of the house, it's good for me to keep busy, so yeah. This is awesome.




For an old, blind and deaf dog, Buster can run like the wind. Little demon ball got out this morning and took off. Had me chasing him all up and down the street, and when he was worn out he made his way back home and collapsed on the porch.

he's fine. Just wore himself out.




So if I wanted to get access to a better chem lab than my college one, who would I need to speak to??




I was looking through Pinterest earlier for some baking ideas and nothing is jumping out at me. I want to bake something different from what we usually do, but I can't find anything that interests me. Anyone have any suggestions or any recipes you've seen recently?

Also, Alex and I watched Bird Box tonight. Yes, I know we're like three and a half years late, but better late than never. It was definitely interesting. Now I want to read the book.