
February 25th, 2021




I swear, I really hate the dreams. At least we weren't harmed in this one. So, dream!Me went off with her big brother to find a way into Mount Weather because that's where 47 of our people are. While we were off trying to find a way in, we were accompanied by a couple of guards from camp.

I'm not a fan of bugs, but there was a ton of them. They were running away, though. Come to find out they were running away from the acid fog. So, dream me followed them and found some moss/tree covered door and had Bell along with one of the guards get it open. It's basically a garage full of old vehicles. Makes you wonder how long ago those vehicles had been used.

So Scott, the guard, hands big brother a gun and decides HEY, WE LOST ONE GUY SO LETS THE FOUR OF US SPLIT UP. Him with his guy and me with my brother. Except that not too far in we heard screams from Scott. Follow the screams and well... Reapers got a hold of them. One of the Reapers was Lincoln. See why I hate these dreams now?

So, myself and Bell found a hiding spot in the garage and used me (my idea not his) as bait in order to get Lincoln's attention. When he came for me Bell used the baton to basically zap him. We've got every intention of taking him home and trying to fix him.