
February 4th, 2021




If anyone sees Alaric Saltzman today, wish him a happy birthday!



Network: May Parker

My mother's cookbook turned up! Who is coming to dinner?




The mission in my dream last night took us to a planet where the jumper completely failed and we crashed. No one was hurt, a testament to how skilled a pilot I am, no doubt. But we found a bunch of kids, they took us to their 'elders' which were just more kids, because there are no adults. These people think by sacrificing themselves at the ripe old age of 25, they're keeping the Wraith from culling their people. In truth, it was a Zero Point Module powering a shield that rendered anything electrical dead in its tracks upon entry.

We were able to prove this to them, and give them the change to live longer lives, breaking a 500 year tradition of ritual suicide on the eve of the 25th birthday. It's something of an eye opener to encounter that kind of people. Reminds you how precious life really is.



[text] kate fuller

Well, I guess I'm done dreaming. Since I'm dead now. I tried so hard to save my brother and it cost me my life.