
December 7th, 2020



Network: May Parker

Is this a bad time to admit I love The Year Without a Santa Claus? I just saw Heat Miser and Snow Miser arguing. It took me a minute to realize they weren't actors! This place is insane. Is everyone alright?




There always has to be that one news story that just makes the rest of them such right? Todays was that when the current agreement with China regarding their panda diplomacy program with the National Zoo expires in three years it is not going to be renewed. Xian Xian, Mei Xiang and Tian Tian will be returning to China and there's no plans to send a new pair.

I'm hoping that this changes before the three years is up otherwise....this will be the first time in decades we haven't had pandas there. The last time was in 99 when the previous pair passed away and then China sent Mei Xiang and Tian Tian.

[Eren Jaeger]

Can we go to DC again before they leave?




I wish I could have made it out to O'ahu to attend the memorial ceremony but I couldn't.

It's Pearl Harbour Day today. Please don't forget to take a moment today to remember those who gave their lives in service.



[text] veronica mars

So who is gonna watch that Colonel Sanders Lifetime movie on Sunday?