
October 1st, 2020




Now that I've finally gotten all of the pieces for my Halloween village and set it up - yes I know I've covered every space with it Will and Hazel, you can do the same with a Christmas village - it's time for my actual favorite Halloween tradition: visiting the area thrift stores to buy all the little statues they have to turn into haunted statues for the kids scavenger hunt on Halloween.

[Private to Mal]

Want to come make some haunted statues with me?




I really think my life here was a lot kinder than in the Dreams. From not remembering the accident at all because I was knocked out to waking up to Gran and Pops sitting by the bed to tell me what was going on. All of that is way better than what I dealt with there. Waking up in the car and seeing my family...watching Dad get eaten...waking up again at the hospital to a nurse and no family in there. The nurse didn’t come right out and say that my family was dead but I knew what she meant there and it just...everything felt empty to me. So we’re back to it matching up with how I felt here after the accident. I still haven’t decided if the similarities are good or bad though.

Mom’s parents got there and told me they were taking me to live with them so...I guess we’ll see how they stack up to living with Dad’s after the accident here. God please don’t fuck up dreamAli like you did here. Just don’t