
August 8th, 2020




It's a good day to be a Leaf's fan.




Blonde? And I don't know what was going on with my hair.

Bobo and I got home and some weird homeless looking guy was in our crack shack. Will-o'-the-wisp. What??? Okay. Fae world. I guess I shouldn't be that shocked. This guy supposedly knows things about Bo's parents but won't give it up until we get his stolen stuff back.

And we were almost shot trying to retrieve it. I'm in over my head in these dreams. Human in a fae world. Sidekick to a Succubus. What could go wrong? Bo nearly killed someone and turned on me when I tried to stop her. There's some guy can that remove his head. Repeat: Removed his freaking head.




I had the most intriguing dream. I was studying magic under a woman named Matoya before joining a group called the Circle of Knowing, a sort of splinter faction within the group I was nominally a part of. We wished to assist the nations of a continent called Eorzea in their struggle against a fascist empire.

I also had a fuzzy tail and cat ears. Never really fancied myself a cat person before.