
July 25th, 2020




so does anyone know how to get paint powder out of a carpet?

i dropped the pot and spilled water on it now and now its paste.





I cannot adequately express just how tiring it is to dream about the ire my family inspires in others.




I really love when strangers snark at me to learn English when I switch to my native tongue for any reason.

Sure, random person in the grocery store, for your comfort I will hold this private conversation with a Romanian in English so that you can understand, but she can't. Maybe learn to mind your business instead.

Apparently I should start having all my private phone calls on facetime so that other people can complain they don't understand us.




Being a female cop is challenging at times. It's not that I'm harassed or anything like that, just that some co-workers seem to underestimate me based on my sex.

Example: Shooting range. I was loading my gun, two guys were "joking" on if I could make my target. I ignored them, took my shots, and hit the heart two times, only made one hole.

I'm a sharpshooter, asshole.




We found the little girl, Sofia.

The dream started out with Glenn telling us there's walkers in the barn on the property where we're staying. That ain't good, obviously. Shane wanted to storm the barn then and there. Rick talked his ass down. Few of us decided to go out and look for Sofia. I had a little rage fit at Sofia's mother, called her a stupid bitch when he questioned why I keep looking for her little girl.

Told her truth is, I got nothing else to do, but that ain't it. Truth is, really, there wasn't nobody looking out for me when I was a kid. I just wanted to find this girl and bring her home. Ended up going out on foot with the mom, Carol. We saw a Cherokee Rose by the water, and as much as I wanted to believe that was a sign, I knew it wasn't.

Little while later, Rick and Hershel show up with a couple of walkers with like dog catchers around their necks, leading them to the barn. Figure Hershel's trying to bring Rick around to his way of thinking, that them walkers are just sick people. 'Course Shane insists on bursting that bubble saying no sick person could withstand being shot and still come at you, and he shot the walker on Hershel's noose a bunch of times before he shot it in the head.

Shane opened the barn doors, freeing the walkers, and we all took up our guns and put them down. One after another, there much have been twenty or more. And when it got quiet, there was a wheezing coming from inside the barn, there was one more walker, and when it stumbled out...

Pretty sure you all know where I'm going with this. We found Sofia. Right there under our noses the whole damn time we've been at Hershel's farm. Long enough for Carl to recover. She was in the barn the whole time. Poor girl never had a chance.




Receiving items from the dreams is normal, right? Do we get to keep them or decide what we do with them?

What do you prefer, necklaces or earrings?

Can I ask for your help with something?