
June 19th, 2020




Yes I bring my dog into my office everyday. Yes I frequently am seen petting him during meetings with clients who aren't allergic or afraid of dogs. No brides that does not mean that he is available to be a part of your wedding package. Next one who tries to push on it is getting asked to leave and getting a partial refund based on how much work I've already done.




I officially hate summer and the heat. Not very scientific, but I could give an analysis of why some people dislike warmer weather.

Personally, I will be staying in my lab as much as possible. Something awesome will happen!




These Dreams are definitely a roller coaster. I laid down for a nap and found myself traveling through a place called the NeverNever with Harry and his friend. It's the quickest way to get to where they're holding our girls at, but of course our shit luck means that we get caught by his fairy godmother. Who despite what the fairytales say is not a kind woman who wants to grant our wishes and make our lives better. She wants to kill us pretty much, I think. Michael, Harry's friend, and I stay behind to fight while he goes to our girls. I really don't know how we survived the fight, unless one of us has a nice fairy godmother looking out for us, but we did and exited into a strip club. Which I'm pretty sure I enjoyed a lot more than he did.




I'm tempted to see if I can't find out if there's a General Pyxis in this world and how much he's like the old man in my Dreams. At least there he's willing to listen to people. I'm still not thrilled about them separating Eren and I but at least Pyxis is letting me help with planning the defense of our home. And is trying to protect Eren too even if he is having to lie about things. Or at least I think his explanation of why Eren can turn into a Titan is a lie. I don't like the idea of Eren's parents okaying him being experimented on by the military.

The plan we come up with is for most of the troops to gather at the far wall, away from the hole and lure as many of the Titans as we can over there to give Eren, Mikasa and their group an easier shot at the hole for Eren as a Titan to plug up with a boulder. I swear to God if he gets his dumbass self killed there I will kick his ass.