
June 12th, 2020




Most people like to start their school year off buying new art supplies. I mean.. I guess I do too, being that I'm an art student. But I like to end the school year getting to buy supplies I haven't tried yet, because I'm going to have time to just experiment with them and maybe try new techniques without it affecting anyone but me. And Nefertiti, who has decided to claim one of my brushes as her own permanently. Don't worry, it's clean. I'd never give her one with paint of any sort on it.

[Friends and Family of Hazel, Nico, and Will]

So the three of us decided since we have a pool, maybe we should use it and invite everyone over to celebrate surviving finals. Nico's going to be cooking, but if anyone wants to bring any sides or snacks, feel free. Not this Saturday, but next Saturday, starting at roughly noon?

Also be aware that Ziggy loves to swim and will shake his fur at you. Maybe bring some extra towels.




I had a sleepover with my little cousin last night.

We decided to watch Mulan, so I was in the kitchen with Laurel making popcorn and getting drinks as I was singing, "I'll make a man out of you."

Suddenly Olivia runs in, hand on hip and yells at me. "MAL, STOP TRYING TO MAKE A MAN OUT OF MOMMY!"




So, I dreamed about getting bitten by a spider which feels like it should be totally unremarkable but considering I broke my alarm clock this morning feels like maybe it's not?

[Peggy & Steve]
I maybe also crushed the handle on the bathroom door. I'm really sorry, I don't know what happened. I haven't touched anything else with my hands and have done everything with my elbows as much as possible.




Man. I had a dream about Johnny Rockets burgers and chili cheese fries and now that’s what I want. So guess that’s what Iunch is. Burgers and chili cheese fries.

Serena? You in?




Anybody out there know how to handle a crossbow?

I could use some lessons I've got a bow.

I had another dream. The camp got over run with walkers, we some people. And Jim got bit. We had to leave him behind when we moved out. One of the families decided not to go with us. There's still too damn many of us to travel quietly, and I really don't like the cops in the group.

Still haven't found my brother, but we made it to the CDC. Supposed to be help and resources there. Just a bunch of dead bodies and walkers. Seems like we're screwed six ways to Sunday. If it were a TV show, I'd expect my brother to come running out of the shadows to save the day, but I don't think it's gonna happen that way.