
June 10th, 2020




at some point, my dream self has to start making decent life choices. not good life choices, i accept that's a bit much. but decent. just moderately not bad. that'd be great.

i'm pretty sure i'm the one better equipped for choices at this point. that's worrying.

since today, i spent $95 on ice cream just to piss off an grumpy old woman.




So what is this new astrological sign nonsense? One of my friends from high school just posted about it on Facebook and this is the first I'm hearing about it. Personally, I have no intention of being anything other than a Leo even if it is a fire sign and I'm the son of Poseidon.




There must be something in the water because I've jumped on the dream train. I hope it's just an over active imagination because I'm dreaming up some strange, yet strangely realistic stuff.

Like going to prison.




Like anyone would have to twist my arm to use this thing. Kind of the highlight of my day when I'm not pestering the big grumpy bear. Something that he'll just have to get the hell over and he knows it. He loves me anyway.

Also, getting a bit bored. Might decide to head out on a midnight hike.