
May 30th, 2020




Whatcha guys up to this summer?? I'm thinking of making a BEST SUMMER EVER list to start checking things off. Beach day, get lots of ice cream, super soaker fight?? I gotta do summer classes too, so I want to look forward to more cool stuff.




Wow. It's true that reality TV shows will call just about anybody. That Bar Rescue Show called me today to see if I'd be interested in having any of the nightclubs on the show. Uh...no? Our three clubs are fine and we are looking into a fourth. They seemed offended I rejected them.




I decided that before I get a lot of furniture in my place, I should paint. What I didn't know is how hard it is to pick a paint colour for each room.




What is all of this talk about helping animals cross the road? Seems like a strange game to play. A dangerous one too.