
April 15th, 2020




I think I had one of those dreams everyone is always talking about. I don't think my subconscious could come up with such an elaborate dream on it's own.

I live in the future, 100 years after some nuclear apocalypse and we live on a space station, waiting for Earth to be inhabitable again. My dad was an engineer on the Ark, which is what we called the space station, and he figured out that he only had a limited amount of air left and there were too many of us. He told me about it and tried to tell everyone else, but they killed him before he could and put me in solitary confinement for a year. I was supposed to stay there till I was eighteen, but right before my birthday they came for me and I thought they were going execute me but instead they brought me to a drop ship along with 99 other teenagers who had always been locked up. Turned out we were expendable and they were sending us to Earth to see if it was inhabitable.

Imagine sending 100 teenagers to a place with no parental supervision. Yeah, it wasn't the best idea. Turns out though that Earth was not only inhabitable, but nature had taken over. Unfortunately we didn't land where we were supposed to and ended up with no communication to The Ark. I decided that we needed to find our way to Mount Weather, which was where we were supposed to land and so after I figured out the route, myself and four other kids head out to find it to get supplies and food.

For awhile we thought that we were the only ones there, because that's what we'd always been told, but just when we thought we'd made it where we were going Jasper, one of the kids in our group, was impaled by a spear.

And that's where my dream ended. Can't even find out if he's okay or not.

I don't really know what to think of these dreams. It was unlike any dream I've ever had.