
September 9th, 2019




Oh dear. I was forced to return home from work early today, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to return or even leave my home at all.

I am most certain that this sudden urge to devour my crew is not from my dreams. What in the devil is happening to me?




This is the most glorious morning I’ve had in a year and a half.

Woke up to no one’s thoughts or feelings in my head but my own. I can’t sense a single person anywhere. All my powers are gone. Thank fucking god!

I took the day off and I’m going to go back to sleep, then probably play video games the rest of the day.




Something is very wrong today. I cannot... access my powers, nor locate my hammer. It is as though I am no longer Thor, God of Thunder, but merely Thor, Odinson.




Just laying on the floor in my workshop

I can hear the heartbeats of practically everyone in this building why did I hire so many people that was a mistake they're all very loudly alive right now

This guy won't stop bringing me coffee I'm glad I didn't ask Anna to do it because she's even more loudly alive than regular people

Gonna die on this floor with coffee cups on the floor around me like some kind of shrine




Pimpernel Outreach is taking donations for people in the Bahamas. Non-perishable foods, clothes, any necessities, we will take it all. I will be having a helicopter make some airdrops to the Bahamas. They can certainly use all the help they can possibly get.





I'm either having a stroke or ...no, I have to be having a stroke.

All day, out of the corner of my eye, I've been seeing a ..dinosaur? A little one?

And I'm sober today, not even hung over

I might actually break my rule and have a cup of coffee. I'm clearly dreaming.




What the hell is going on this time? I woke up to my hair turning white and I'm pale, like, really, really pale. Food also tastes petty blah to me. I don't like this...




I prefer staying out of sight and low to the ground, but I have to say flying around and picking up cars is pretty fun.


I'd like a report from everyone on if you still have your powers or if you've miraculously become super human or magical.




Woke up today an' realized real quick I'm human again. Not sure what happened, and not sure how I feel about it. Got used to bein' blue after 2 years. Hell, even the fin is gone so I can't use my arrow :(




Just when I thought things couldn't possibly get any weirder.

Woke up basically kissing the ceiling this morning, took about an hour for me to get back down, and now? Well, now I've frozen the door shut just by breathing on it. What the fuck is going on?

I'll also need a new desk because I definitely broke that in two.




Had to chase a mark today. Ended up in front of him somehow, then accidentally threw him against a wall. I seem to have miraculously gotten super fast and strong overnight.




Okay so I woke up ravenous this morning and not just any kind of ravenous it's an all consuming kind of hunger.

And I thought I knew what a headache was until I woke up and basically heard everything and everyone in my apartment complex.

Jesus fuck.




Disturbing fact.

The squirrel in the tree outside of my room is no longer a squirrel, it's a full blown person. And it's talking, to me. That's not even the weirdest part, nope, not at all. It's the fact that I can understand it.

Also? I literally never crave sweets and yet here I am craving them like I might die if I don't stuff my face full of them.




Meet Juliet and Marc. Maman’s new puppies for breeding. Juliet was gotten from a breeder someone on here put me in touch with, and don’t let that picture fool you - she has more energy than her raccoon friends can handle.

Marc flew back with me from my brief stop in France this weekend on my way home from Japan. He is actually the son of one of the boys from the same litter as Antoinette, and he most definitely inherited his aunt and father’s cuddlyness. He doesn’t want to sit anywhere but in someone’s lap and actually seems to be perfectly happy to do nothing but that on some days. Regardless of who it is that he sees a lap on, so if you come over to visit - be prepared for a lapful of chubby puppy and clothes covered in dog hair.

I went to the campus early today because I was expecting trouble with my classes since I've missed the first two weeks but none of my teachers had any problem with me just starting to attend. They even told me not to worry about assignments I'd missed and my composition instructor isn't even going to take points off for being late with my summer assignment. I don't know what I did to get so lucky but it feels good to have things working out in my favor this way.

[Private to Haruhi]
And he’s taken to sleeping in my room with Antoinette and I. Sometimes in the bed if there’s a storm or a lot of traffic or noise outside. Unlike her, he doesn’t like to sleep at the foot of the bed, he likes the middle so that he’s right by you with his stuffed bird.




Whatever is going around the OC, I caught it. This morning when I was running late to get to my class at the gym, one second I was standing in my kitchen and the next I was in my office. Scared the shit out of Jace, who was already there.

So, my question is, does that ability sound familiar to anyone, cause it's definitely not from my dreams.




I had no idea that there was a candy version of my brother until now.




This is not even cool. NOT EVEN. I'm fucking tired and I'm human. This thing better snap back to the way it was.




Okay so really weird question - has anybody had powers show up here without having dreamed about them?