
April 29th, 2019




First off, I really realy want to know what happened in this restaurant. Secondly, no one tell my mother about that restaurant.




Why did that git have to show up in my Dreams? I should probably be glad that my Dreams are coming in a more linear fashion than my roommate’s did. I have at least a bit more context for what’s going on in them, and that’s a relief. This time I met another person with magic who actually lived near my family, and he finally told me what I was - a witch. I should probably be glad that my Dreamself finally has a word to explain all of the weirdness happening around her when she gets upset, but here I’m just disappointed. I’d already figured that out. I was hoping to learn something new when I got the next Dream because there was such a gap following the last one.




Two dreams within two weeks. This after nothing for a year. I wouldn't have minded so much had two of my friends not sacrificed themselves to save me. Of course it wouldn't have been necessary if my father, in the dreams, wasn't absolutely awful. So one of them is his fault. The other is Jonathan's. Can't say I'm sad to see him go. I can only hope that after this my dreams get better, but as long as Alexander and I are together, I have a feeling that they will. Now we just have to figure out a way to get Simon's memories back.




I don't care what the haters think, I can't wait to see the new Lion King and Aladdin. Aladdin is one of my all time favorite Disney movies and the trailer looks so good for the new one. I haven't gotten a chance to see the new Dumbo yet, but I'm hoping to make time soon.