
March 22nd, 2019




Alright, so I guess I should introduce myself and stop lurking. I'm Jesus and before you ask, no, I can't turn water into wine or walk on water. It's just what my friends call me and I like it. I'm a stuntman and I'll also be teaching a self defense class at the Wayne Gym. So, if anyone is interested, come by.

Okay, so I saw this earlier today and thought it'd be a funny ice breaker. So, google 'Florida man' and your birthday to see which Florida man you are. Mine is, Florida man charged with exposure at Pensacola strip club.




My dream self seems to be navigating into somewhat... slippery slope territory. She joins an organization to help people, despite its methods; This is not how I would see her save lives. Yet she also has all of the funding she needs to further her research. Nanobiology, a new way to speed healing and recovery times.

I can already see that Overwatch is pushing the limits of how I would allow them to use my science. Only time will tell, but I suspect that I will end up leaving them over our differences.

Here in the real world, I am given the chance to make this technology here. All of my notes on my research showed up in my office today. But I wonder if this is a good idea, this 'nanobiology'. What would become of it in this world, where war is even more common? even if it would save my life--



blocked to the non-puncturable Star Wars

This is now in my freezer.

There's nothing else in my freezer.

But it's worth it.




I'm glad there's no more major holidays until the summer. Now we just have to deal with usual weddings and celebrity parties. Luckily we don't have anything too heavy right now. No bloody bridezillas or almost impossible requests. I know it won't last long, but I'm going to enjoy it for the time being.