
March 16th, 2019




As this is St. Patrick’s Day weekend and as a bartender, please drink responsibly. I will not hesitate to kick people out of The Nightcrawler for being drunk and disorderly. And please don’t drink and drive. Hopefully everyone has a safe weekend and Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all who are celebrating, even if you aren’t Irish.




I was hired recently by a man who wants me to look into his daughter's personal life, specifically whether or not she's dating the right sort of people, so that he can decide whether or not to keep her in his will. At $150/hour plus all inured expenses paid, it was just too good to pass up.

I'll be following a lead from a very reliable source that she's very interested in volunteering, so I guess I'll have to check out places like Habitat for Humanity and the soup kitchen. Anyone else have any other suggestions?


This seems like it's going to be a very long, complicated case, and I just don't know if I can't handle it myself. How'd you like to be hired on as a consultant?




Okay, I don't mind the weird fairytale like dream I just had. But seriously, being banished just because I didn't invite your daughter to my birthday party is a bit excessive. Especially since I'm only 6 years old.

But what I do mind is waking up to my damn hair being blue now!




I swear to Christ, these fucking dreams are gonna be the death of me. My family is dead, and the ones alive, which had been my older sister (who was killed) and uncle who was in a vegetated state, turns out in the end that my uncle was lying about his condition, well not lying but he had been healing himself for the past ten years. Turns out he killed my sister to become the Alpha, so he's the reason for all this shit.

He's the reason the hunters came to Beacon Hills, but at the end of the dreams, I killed him... And became the new Alpha. Not sure how I feel about that.