
December 5th, 2018




Is someone going around building snowman in the middle of the night?

I have one by the studio and no one seems to know where he came from - just strange.


You are right, you are in my dreams. I was traveling and ended up in the mountains were I met you.




Seriously, again?

Right, so. Looks like the Snowmen are back after not showing up last year. What you need to know.

1. Psychic snow. So basically if you think about them, more will form.
2. Picture them melting.
3. DON'T THINK ABOUT THEM LATER. Since as point 1 notes, they will just re-form. Yes, I know this is easier said than done.



Scott, Cisco & Lydia

Found a couple of places to rent. What do you think?





I swear the snowman outside my window is watching me...




I honestly can't tell what's more annoying. The PIs hired by Scientology to make my life hell, Danny Rand and all the drama and craziness that have entered my life since meeting him in the dreams, or these snowmen. It's a toss up. It really is.