
December 1st, 2018



Scott and Cisco

Lydia seems to think that we need to go on a little vacation. Would you two want to tag along for a few days for New Years?




So... The Majestic Sand Beast hasn't gotten bigger. I think. I've had it for a few months now, but I swear it's still the same size as when it arrived.

Anyone know where I can get one of those dog scales they use at vets? It's time for some scientific inquiry.




The snow isn't my fault. Just putting that out there.




I can’t believe it. Well no, I can because this girl is just absolutely toxic and is the only one of the three of us who isn’t acting at being a horrible person when we’re in character as our Heathers. But she’s spreading a rumor that the only reason I got my part is the fact that I had that movie role - that I’m trading on my “celebrity status” to get what I want in the part of roles on campus. She seemed legitimately shocked when I came up behind her today as she said it, right before we opened, and replied that it didn’t matter if that was why I’d gotten the part because - I’d gotten the part.

I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed shoving her during Candy Store as much as I did tonight.