
November 23rd, 2018




You know, I may not have spent thanksgiving with my blood family but friendsgiving is just as good. If not better actually, for once I didn't leave both places feeling like actual trash. I'll call that a success. And Stiles, the rest of that one pound bag of star stickers we didn't use is yours. To the rest of his people: I regret nothing. Sorry not sorry.




I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with their friends and family yesterday. What was your favorite part of it?

Mine was definitely when my drunk aunt Gladys told my sister Dorothy that her husband was cheating so she could steal the last piece of pecan pie from her.




They're finally here! The Hershey's bar with Reese's pieces in it! I got a bunch. But I can't remember who said they wanted one before. Sooo, if anyone wants one, let me know!




Normally this would be a rant about how much I hate Thanksgiving, but after last night's dream I'm a little focused on the fact that my dreamself is obviously depressed and the people who profess to love me aren't noticing that I'm dying on the inside.

And my new fiance that I died and was resurrected for is kind of...controlling.




One thing I definitely don’t miss about Louisiana - the phone calls to bail my brother out of jail after whatever stupid crap he pulls. Now I just hear about them from our parents and my only responsibility is to reassure them that they weren't shit parents and that’s not why he does this crap. Although I got to admit this years stunt was pretty funny. He and his best friend got bear costumes and then went to Best Buy to “wreck the campsites of all the people camped in front of Best Buy in advance of Black Friday.”