
November 12th, 2018




Didn't think I'd be back here but I'm feeling good about it...

Still got some stuff to move into my apartment but at least, my parents are here to help out with that.



Blocked from Non-Puncturable People

Stan Lee passed away. He was responsible for so much of my childhood.

And for actually existing. I half expected to suddenly disappear.

I met him once, cosplaying as myself.




So much for ignoring this place and the

Weapons just showing up on the wall... I'm going to take a wild guess and say that's something that also is a common occurrence here?




Nico and I found these light switches online while taking a break from homework. Homework has now been temporarily paused while we're waiting for an email back from our landlord to find out if it would be okay if we change all the lightswitches in the apartment to these before we go ahead and order them. I know there's the "better to apologize than ask permission" option, I just don't want that apology to come out of our deposit.




Pimpernel Outreach will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner for people and families who either have no where to go or cannot afford a meal to make themselves. Anyone who wishes to volunteer to help serve the meal is more than welcome! We also plan to host a Channukah event and Christmas dinner. At both of those we will also give out gifts to those who come. So if anyone wishes to volunteer at either of those events as well, you are more than welcome to!