
November 1st, 2018




I wish I'd put more of a buffer zone between me and my family when I moved to Orange County from L.A. I don't really have a good excuse not to show up for Dia De Los Muertos dinner tonight. What a crappy way to end the week.

These dreams have suddenly become less fun. Less about my best friend and I saving the city with his super powers and my tech. Turns out being a super hero team is not all that fun. The man we might have been trusting all this time with our lives, the man who's been building us up all this time to be better, the man who called me his son.. is a snake in disguise. He might be a fraud. The facts don't add up when I'm with him. I don't want to believe it.. He had a hand in the murder of my best friends mother, and now I'm not sure what to believe.

It's so damn complicated not feeling these things.




Whatever was going on, I think it has stopped. The ice machine has quit using me as target practice every single time I walk into the kitchen.

I also need this in my life right now.




So today kinda seems even crazier than usual? I don't know, I thought the electronics going weird was bad enough, but... I mean, case in point, I was on my way out of work when this cute dragon dive bombed me.

Dragons aren't a thing, right? And this one has a name tag. Myst, with a pretty blue ribbon around her neck. Looks like she belongs to someone, well I know she does because there's a tag on her, but also she seems very friendly, won't fly home, and we discovered together that she likes cheeseburgers.

I can't really afford to keep feeding her cheeseburgers, but I'm not really feeling like I have much of a choice here. Also it's a dragon made of bones and I'm kind of freaked out by the fact that it's eating anything at all. Where do the cheeseburgers keep going?

[Private to Nico Di Angelo]
So I know that there's a number on here but it seemed kinda rude to just text it or whatever but if this name tag is right then this dragon is yours?




Here's some video of my performance from last night: Teenage Dream

It was a blast!

((OOC: Don't mind the intro and picture him in a unicorn onesie.))




So Eren and I ran out of Halloween candy about...an hour into trick or treating last night? I have no clue how that happened. Or why the lollipops were the first thing to disappear.