
October 30th, 2018



I never would have imagined my various electronics not minding themselves. My coffee maker played the morning news today.

I might need a new coffee maker, there's an axe in this one.




You know what? I can deal with all this other fuckery this place throws at me, but do you know what I can't deal with?

My fucking arm occasionally attempting to strangle me or punching me in the goddamn face when I'm trying to sleep.




Maybe this is a good lesson with all the electronics going crazy.

We're too plugged in, so they're taking over!

It also took me a half hour to try and post this correctly.

It's time for a vacation.




Getting ready for Halloween a day early and making sure my costume still fits from last year. Happy Hallowen!

Boo )




Funnily enough the main difference between adults and children is adults get creeped out a lot faster and more easily than kids do. Take this whole electronics mess up. Any battery powered toys they have are all talking, singing, walking, dancing, or whatever they are meant to do all on their own, without anyone being anywhere near them. For Amycus and I? This is freaky as hell and seems like the beginning of a horror movie. The twins love it though, it's the greatest thing ever. It's like their toys have come to life to play with them. Again, horrifying concept to an adult. Dream come true to the kids.

...I can't say the four legged kids are that thrilled, though. Apollo has hidden himself under the couch and we've had to stop Aslan from trying to eat a dancing stuffed bear. Chip, I think, is under our bed.




As if these dreams weren't enough, my kitchen's decided to turn on me. Yesterday my toaster decided to attempt self-immolation, and this morning I learned that it actually is possible for coffee machines to spray boiling water at you. So that's been fun.

[Private to Rachel]

It might be safer for you if you stay out of the kitchen for the next few days.




I'm not really trusting my computer to not eat my project with everything going on, so I'm just messing around on my phone and trying to distract myself from the tv that keeps flipping itself on and off to different channels at random. Because that's not creepy one bit.

So youtube has been an awesome distraction. Maybe I'll find a funny video, or I'll learn something new. I saw one titled "What's Pink Bubblegum Supposed to Taste Like?", which is a question I never knew I was actually curious about until then.

So. Bubble gum... is supposed to taste like bubble gum. That was very informative. I'm sure I'll get those ten minutes of my life back somehow. Thank you, youtube.




Alright, so I'm looking into getting an apartment, but things are difficult with the whole ghost in the machine thing going on. So, anyone have any suggestions for good areas of Orange County to live in that isn't too pricey? Or does anyone know of apartments on the market with reasonable rent?

I so need an actual job again as well