
October 25th, 2018




Okay so with Halloween being on a Wednesday I've decided to throw a Halloween party this weekend, that starts Friday at 9pm and goes all weekend long until Sunday 9pm!

And this is all thanks to my amazingly awesome boss who let me have the weekend off!

Also, this is an open invitation to the party, yes costumes are required!

{address to party}




No, Mom, I don’t really want to fly out to join you for you hosting a marathon of your own fake ghost show on Halloween. I’m not homeschooled anymore, I actually have a schedule to go by. You remember, that tuition thing you’re paying for? I’ve got classes to take and projects to work on. That, and I still don’t know how to bring up the whole “hey you know how you didn’t tell me about the other half of my family my entire life?” thing.




Well I'm never eating skittles again. The new commercial is just too disturbing. Who wants candies that are coming out of a giraffe when you're milking it?




I’ve been so busy practicing, that I FORGOT MY OWN BIRTHDAY the other day. Who does that? I mean, mine and Alice’s family didn’t let me forget it for long. But I was so confused why my phone kept going off in class that I turned it off. And then wondered why my Dad was at Alice’s, ready to take us all out to dinner. It was super embarrassing when Mom asked me if I remembered what day it was. Although I’ve been eating leftover cake as breakfast for the past few days, so that helps take some of the sting away?