
October 16th, 2018




Ah, isn't this the perfect season to be here in your United States! Even though this warm area of California has nothing to do with warm apple cider or pumpkins... nor is it really spooky enough looking for witches and spiders and scary things. Still! Your Starbucks has all of the pumpkin spice coffee and for the first time I actually get to enjoy it instead of reading about it on the social media sites.

It is delicious, I may have spent half a monthly salary on stocking up. Who decided this was not an appropriate flavor for coffee? Verdammt, have you ever had the pleasure of drinking the coffee at an aid station? Along the front lines? Or honestly even just the so-called coffee they often cook up in hospital break rooms? You should be so lucky that there is flavor at all in any of those - or that you can drink them instead of chewing on them.

I think I will take all of this pumpkin spice that you may not want, Orange County. Send them to my flat, care of Dr. Ziegler. I am kidding, of course, I know better than to put my address here on the internet. At least not until I set up a real place of business.




Happy Hispanic Heritage month!

I hope we are all happy chappies with snappy serapes this month.

Did anyone else have this on VHS and wear out the tape?




I really need some work to distract me. The downside of being muscle for hire. None of you happen to need someone punched or shaken down, do you?

Fuck Boko Haram