
October 2nd, 2018




Oh, U2 I HAVE finally found what I'm looking for. Until this moment I didn't know how incomplete I was.

[Private to Ahsoka and Padme]
I'm going out of town on Friday. I need someone to look after the Majestic Sand Beast. Can one of you do that?

[Private to Kira Yukimura, Lily Evans, Andromeda Black]
You guys up for a vacation in Mexico? Plans include skydiving, bungee jumping, base jumping - okay, jumping off of really high things. Y/Y?


October. One of my favorite months. In my dreams, it's the end of harvest season, and Chicago is also turning cold and I happen to really like the cold. It's fun having a set of dreams from so long ago that I feel positively ancient and then having more modern ones where I live in Chicago.

It makes me miss living in Chicago now, though, I wouldn't go back to live. unless I was asked by Thomas so he could move.. I have settled here and that's not a bad thing. It just is weird how some things trigger a bout of melancholy.