
September 16th, 2018




Alright so whoever had their money on Claire being the first one in my Dreams to figure out I was a ghost - please come by the house to pick up your prize. DreamMichael is an idiot but I think we can all agree that is more than well established by this point. The teenager that we took into the house to protect - caught me disappearing at sunup. Well actually she saw me die, because that’s something I enjoy reliving in every dream that I have thanks to whatever is behind this crap, and then disappear but not before I begged her not to tell our other roommates that I’m dead. Because it’s not enough that I’m lying to my best friends there, I have to drag this kid into lying for me. Nice. Real nice DreamMichael. No wonder that fucking vampire killed you and no one realized you were gone.

And because of course that can’t be enough, Brandon - the vampire that wants to kill Claire for insulting one of his people, follows her to the house. And when he can’t grab her he takes Shane hostage and threatens to kill him if we don’t send Claire out. But Brandon isn’t the brightest guy apparently, since he’s making this threat while standing on the porch of the house right in front of the doorm so I can reach out and grab Shane and yank him into the house. You’d think that would be enough tempting of fate for me but no - I have to threaten the psychotic stalker vampire.

That night after everybody else goes to bed I talk to Claire about what she saw me do and tell her how I died, because that’s a cheery bedtime story right. And then I warn her to stay away from Brandon because clearly she can’t tell on her own to avoid crazy assholes right? I mean trying to stay away from people who want to hurt her is why she moved into the house with us. And in sticking with the theme of this oh so cheery bedtime conversation: I made her promise to kill me by whatever means necessary if I start craving blood because that means I’m turning. And in Morganville of my Dreams? That’s not good. At least not with the people I love there.




Maman asked me to go through some photo albums with her to try to pick the pictures to put in her new frames so that she could see them easier if she relapses again and show them to visitors. As we were flipping through the last ones we took before moving, we came across this picture of Antoinette as a puppy with her maman.

Cut to save friends page - not filtered )

I’m pretty sure that was the day I knew for certain Antoinette was the puppy I wanted to keep from that litter.




I’m enjoying my new job, working in the library of the girl’s elementary school. It makes more sense for me to be the one taking them, since we’re going to the same place. But instead of putting their car seats in my car, Am’s decided to take the lazy way out and just switch cars with me. ...Although from what I understand about car seats, they’re nearly impossible to get in right so I kind of can’t blame him for that. It still is weird, I’ve had my car since college.

Being a library assistant in elementary school is a completely different experience than working in a college. I don’t just check books in and out or reshelve them, I’m also having to teach kids how to use the library. You can tell which kids don’t come from families that read a lot, they’re the most lost about the whole process. I’m trying to suggest books to them more. I’m hoping it might help make book lovers out of them.