
August 22nd, 2018




I never knew that movie weddings could be legally binding before. I just want to find the rest of this article 1. to find out how and 2. because Keanu Reeves is my favorite cryptid.




I'm pleased to announce that I got my wand from my Dreams! I spent most of the day attempting to do dishes by magic, though I think I ended up with more broken plates than clean ones.

And I accidentally turned my favourite mug into a mouse. I managed to turn it back though. Mostly.




From the first, I had known that Temeraire's divine wind - his roar, which has, in the past, broken up air ships built by the French which had been carried over by dragons - was devastating, but I'm afraid that I didn't know entirely how devastating until last night.

An entire French frigate, 44 guns, swallowed by the sea. All hands on still on deck; not a soul could be saved. I'm afraid I dreamed of far too many lost lives last night, on both sides. Morgan was still just a boy.




We’re heading into my favorite time of year - Halloween. These are the best parties to plan, and since I stick around during them to make sure everything goes smoothly I get to wear some of the most fabulous costumes thanks to my amazing roommate.

Speaking of my amazing roommate - think I can steal you away from your boyfriend to go costume shopping? There have to be one or two new ones on the market Bambi.

[Felix and Caroline]
So the thought occurred to me that with Halloween coming up and all the insanity lately - everybody could probably use some fun. And the three of us are the best at making fun happen right? So what do you say we work together to make something unforgettable happen partywise?




I think Will’s figured out a way to deal with my remote hiding every weekend. Either that or the dogs have figured out how to open up my bag and remove my 3DS from it and hide it someplace. Which I wouldn’t really put it past our greyhound because he is too smart for our own good but our golden retriever is much sweeter than he is smart.

Although he has figured out how to sleep on his new bed and be able to roll over without falling off of it so maybe he’s smarter than I give him credit for.

Picture behind cut to save friends pages, not filtered )

I took the picture without him on it because depending on the light he might blend into it a little too much but it almost matches Cesare’s throne bed so it works.