
July 31st, 2018




I think it's a good thing that I secured some more funding for Pimpernel Outreach recently. I'm sending supplies in relief to those currently affected by the wildfires here in California. Despite everything I'm doing with the non-profit currently, it's never really enough given all the suffering in the world. But sometimes, all you can do is help the people you can. Doing something is always far better than doing nothing.




So I've mentioned before that I wanted to open my own gym and teach self defense and finally it's about to happen. I've been sitting on a lot of that money that I got from my mom and I've finally used some of it to buy out another gym. I'm planning on re-evaluating the current staff and reworking some of the classes and schedules. Once it's all up and running, I'll be making another post about classes so if anyone wants to sign up and take some self defense classes, I'd be happy to have you.




I keep hearing about this stupid In My Feelings challenge. Anyone stupid enough to get out of a moving car and dance next to it deserves to get hit my a fucking car. How stupid do you have to be to actually do this? Honestly, people today are just getting dumber by the day.