
June 4th, 2018




I lay down to take a nap after my appointment this afternoon and I fall right into another dream. I’m still not very lucky in them it seems. No matter what I do I just can’t catch up with that white rabbit in my dreams! He’s so fast! By the time I managed to get to my feet after falling down that hole and look down the hallway in front of me, he was already at the other end and still talking about being late for something! I chase after him and by the time I get around the corner he’s gone through one of the doors lining the hallway, but everyone I try is locked and there’s no key!

Then a table shows up in the middle of the hall and it’s got a key on it but, it doesn’t fit any of the doors! Either the lock is too big or the key’s too small for it. When I woke up the key was in my hand - I just wish I had some idea what it opened.