
May 29th, 2018




Don't get me wrong, I don't really miss dreams of misspent college or high school days. Those days were awkward enough without a murderous dad on the loose, or friends who are seriously snapping. I want to see the end though. I don't think I'm at it, and they have been 'on hiatus' for a little while.




I finally understand what Margo said a few months ago about the trials in our dreams. We really did a fantastic job planning those for the first years. Even if that asshole Penny didn’t seem to be very appreciative at first. And a part of me now wants to get to plan a tea party in the woods for some reason.




Going to be moving in with Eliot and Margo as of the end of next month so I need to figure out what I'm doing with my current furniture. Most of it was bought when Sarah and Kira moved out here and we got the bigger flat. Might be taking the sofa and swapping out theirs with mine, but other than that, I'm not sure. Anyone out there need any furniture? Tell me what you need and I'll tell you if I have it to spare.

Speaking of Eliot, I took this picture the last time we went out and I've been thinking of making it my phone background for awhile.

Hotness Here )




So...I am kinda out of a job. Anybody need to hire a former Navy SEAL/personal security/Stormtrooper/Resistance hero?

The last two are from the dreams. In case anyone was wondering.




With Celaena moving in, not only have I gained a live-in girlfriend, but I've also gained a dog. I always wanted a dog, but the time was never right. Now though, Cel brought Fleetfoot with her, her dog that she got from her dreams and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up spoiling her now that she's partly mine.