
May 14th, 2018




Mother's Day actually went pretty well. My mother can be a bit overbearing, so I decided to also put the day in my favor by giving her the gift of a spa day, so I didn't have to spend as much time with her. At least it meant she was nice and relaxed by the time we met up for dinner. I want way more of that mom and I think the world would be a better place.

Anyway, thank god school for almost over!



Filtered away from Lara

So, I have a question for private investigators here. In my dreams, I have a half-sister, and I was wondering if it's possible to try and look for her here? I'm not even sure she exists, but knowing how this life tends to parallel my dream life in many ways I figure it's worth at least looking. It's probably like looking for a needle in a haystack, but I...would really like to know if I have a half-sibling. Or even more than one, who even knows.




My last job is complete, and it's going to be a beautiful tower, but I'm not needed anymore except for consultations.

So if anyone needs any designing done for their homes or businesses, I'm free! Well, the consultation is free.




It was one thing, Armin telling me about that. Dreaming about it, though. ...That was another thing all together. And I don’t think there’s enough bleach to get the stains out of the sheets, so I’m probably going to have to just… buy new ones. But at least I only woke up bleeding where I was bitten in the dream. Not… without the arm and leg that were bitten off.

I’m getting ahead of myself. This dream picked up where the last one left off. Giant skinless asshole kicking in yet another wall. I move to attack him, but he’s gone. Disappeared completely. The hole he left is still there, though, with Titans coming through. We have to move fast, still technically trainees, and defend Trost alongside the Garrison. After calming down Armin, I have to deal with a huge jerk whose only concern was that he was supposed to go to the interior as part of the Military Police the next day. Thanks Jean, big help Jean. Maybe focus on what we were trained for instead?

The trainees were divided up, and those of us that made the top ten were given our own squads to lead. And… I fucked up. I let my anger get the best of me when one of our classmates got eaten. Rather than try to lead the others safely, I went off on my own, and my entire squad, save for Armin, got killed because of it. I got my leg bitten off and landed on a rooftop a few feet away from where Armin was frozen. One of the Titans reached out and picked him up to eat him and I used what strength I could to throw myself forward. To grab his hand and throw him back on the roof. Armin reached out for me, and that’s when it bit down on my arm.

So this morning I woke up with blood all over the sheets and had to run to the emergency room to make sure I didn’t need any stitches. Not to mention the smell freaked our animals out.

I’m so sorry, Armin, that you had to wake up to that again.




Sometimes you have to let go of people because you love them. I’m really going to miss Jess. She’s been my best friend since freshman year of college. But she got an opportunity to transfer to the New York brach, with a promotion. And I know how much her last Dream took out of her and we almost lost her... I can’t fault her for jumping at the chance. I promised to skype every weekend and go visit sometime this summer. After all, I’m going to miss my furry nephews, and the girls will miss their aunt.

Amycus is trying to bribe me not to be too sad about it, and brought home a new best friend for me from the animal shelter. I’m not sure if he’s full siamese or not, but I’ve always loved them. He has the biggest eyes and has already claimed Aslan as his favorite bed. He’s not that bright, but he’s beautiful and sweet and loud. I just need help naming him.

Laurel and Madison got to pick out their own new friend there, too. We aren’t sure what sort of dog he is, to be honest. But he’s supposed to get really big as he grows up, at least that’s what the volunteers think. They think he might be part shepherd of some sort? So now they have two guard dogs. Well, one is still a puppy. But you know what I mean.They’re calling him Chip, because his coat looks like chocolate chip cookies. Aslan has adopted the puppy and kitten both as his own. So at least we don’t have to worry about him being jealous.




I have to say my King of the Dead powers are quite useful,and apparently surprised me with a visitor on Mother's Day when I least expected it.

Cut as there's mention of loss of parents )