
April 14th, 2018




So I've been doing some soul searching lately, and I'm not sure I'm as bi as I thought

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Uhm. Do you know how far along Weiss is?

I just dreamed I broke down on her. I mean, I totally needed to break down, but I never expected it on her.




While recovering from a recent trip to Nevada I came across this article about crows riding the backs of eagles.

When I'm able to fly again, I think I might try this.




Well, damn. Got a new dream and boy is it a doozy.

Taserface tossed me and Rocket into the brig after this blue chick convinced him we were more valuable alive considerin' we had large bounties on our heads. Spent about five seconds feeling sorry for myself 'fore Rocket tells me Quill is with Ego. Well I can't have that, considerin' I know what Ego really wants from him. So we hatch a plan to bust out.

Only...we gotta rely on the twig (literally a tiny talkin', walkin' little tree thing) to get my other fin as the one on my noggin' is currently busted. Stupid little guy kept bringin' the wrong stuff like he don't understand a damn thing we're sayin'. I can't even say some of the things he found that weren't my fin. Finally Kraglin, my former crewmate, rolls up with my fin and blubbers some apology about how he didn't mean to start a mutiny. Yeah, well, stupid is as stupid does. Still, I ain't about to kill the only member of my crew left that actually gives a damn about me.

So out we go, struttin' out of the jail cell and down the corridors of my ship and I whistle the hell outta my Yaka arrow. I take out every single one of those bastards. I don't even need to see 'em to get 'em. It was a damned fine light show! I saved the best trick for last: I blew up half my ship - with Taserface in it.

Karma's a bitch, you dumb, ugly bastard.




I made a fun batch of "Tax Day" cookies! I have a limited supply, and they're only available until April 17th! Just as a reminder to get your taxes done!

Available at Baxter Bakery )