
December 13th, 2017




Well... I’m fairly certain that my boyfriend is never getting his security deposit back, since I accidentally flooded his bedroom this morning when my magic apparently decided to cross over from the dreams. It could have been worse I guess - I could have gotten him hot in the wrong way by it showing up as fireballs.

(ooc: Please pretend that this was put up right after this log.)




Well, I still enjoy Christmas. Poor Alucard has to deal with my whims on decor.




Officer Judy Hopps, reporting for duty! Well, I will be reporting to duty any day now! I've already tried on the uniform and cleaned my badge more times than I can count. Guess I should go for a run to get all this energy out. But I'm just SO EXCITED FOR MY FIRST DAY ON THE BEAT!

Hey! Are you free to get together? I have some questions! Can I bribe you with some coffee? Do you have a favorite place you like to go?




Yes!!! Bon Jovi is finally going to be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame!!!!! I am so happy about this! Its about freakin' time! This should have been done a long time ago. Best early Christmas present ever.