
November 24th, 2017




I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. I believe Muffin's favorite part was the bits of turkey I let her eat.

The positive news is that I seem to have been brought back from the Duat. Apparently a present to the Kanes.




8:30 is way too early to listen to someone rant about how society is falling to hell because people fall asleep in church and getting offended that no one is listening to him.




Is it bad that all I've eaten today is pumpkin pie and leftover mashed potatoes?

I feel like a big, fat blob, but I love this holiday so much.




My nephew is getting so dang big. It's ridiculous. I just want to put a brick on top of his head. He's two now. TWO. Soon he'll be playing with Legos. And I will be buying him every Lego in the world to make him spoiled happy.

Christmas this year is gonna be so awesome. He totally gets Santa, and presents, and all that now. I asked him what he wanted for Christmas this year, and he said he wanted a Dinosaur.




The Christmas music started.