
November 8th, 2017




Finally get the papers signed and my money and I bought an apartment? When did I turn into a boring old man? I should have spent it on a party! A car! Something fun! Who wants to help me make my next purchase and reverse...this?




So, in my newest set of dreams, I ended up losing my powers. During my last fight I had ended up draining the solar energy from my body, which is what gives me my powers so I was completely powerless. I was basically human, which was so strange for me because I'd had powers the entire time I'd been on Earth. James explained that what had happened to me was something that has happened to my cousin before and would usually leave him powerless for about 48 hours. So at least I had an idea of how long I was going to be powerless.

Of course an Earthquake happened and I ended up breaking my arm, which you can imagine was strange to someone who is usually invincible. So with me out of commission, this guy named Maxwell Lord, who had decided it was his duty to start a smear campaign against Supergirl starts calling me the most unreliable superhero, but there was nothing I could do in this case. Well, nothing other than decide to go and try to talk to Maxwell on my own and try to get him to stop spreading panic. Who isn't surprised that he refuses to stop? Not me.

I then decided to try and stop a robber while powerless and actually got him to turn over his gun after appealing to his humanity.

After that, I did end up getting my powers back after getting a surge of adrenaline when there was an explosion at CatCo and I had to jump into action to save James who was helping people. I went to Ms. Grant afterwards, as Supergirl, to tell her that I appreciated she had gone on the air to tell people that they should act like superheros even though they aren't.

Of course, as I was leaving someone knocked me out. So I guess I have to wait for my next dream to find out what happened there.




Citywide message board? Huh, that's kinda neat. Pretty handy and a little on the weird side. This seems more like Iris's thingBut hey. I'm pretty new to the area, in search of decent coffee. Keep in mind here the key word is decent. Starbucks does not make the cut. They only make me sad. And get my name wrong. It's only two syllables. how?